Every time I see her face, I have flashbacks to all the thin blonde girls who were really, really mean to me in high school...
Every time I see her face, I have flashbacks to all the thin blonde girls who were really, really mean to me in high school...
Betsy DeVos reminds me of all the terrible parents my public school teacher father has told me horror stories about. Over his career, he’s experienced parents who have yelled at him, patronized him, asked him how much his salary is, tried to bribe him to give their kids extra time on tests or better grades, people who…
They say they feel left out from a march with a feminist platform, but I bet they wouldn’t want Catholics for Choice co-sponsoring March for Life...
What’s a worse decision, buying one of these jackets or getting a Bernie Sanders-themed tattoo?
Yes! That kid perfectly captures what I’m feeling right now.
I feel like those two scenarios have totally different implications when it comes to the word “tickle.”
Haha, you’re right. I think I’ve tried to block out as much Trump footage as possible!
CNN posted the video of the Obamas playing with the kids on the swings, and it is one of my favorite PBO videos to date. One of the kids yells, “It’s Barack Obama!” with such joy when she sees him. Pretty much the exact opposite reaction from the kid who said “I’m scared, I’m scared, I’m scared,” when Trump walked…
Well, we lived near a farm that had a few cows on the property that sometimes had babies (it wasn’t a commercial dairy or cattle farm, just a family farm with a handful of cows). After one of the births he took some of the placenta and ate it. He wasn’t in favor of starting a commercial placenta industry (which…
I think his argument was that placenta is the only form of flesh that can be consumed without killing an animal (because it is naturally expelled during birth). This argument doesn’t take into account mammals that naturally eat the placenta after the birth (cows do this), but that was the overall gist.
I had a friend who was vegan, but who once ate some cow placenta because he said placenta was the only ethical meat for humans to consume.
I was really excited to vote for Hillary, too. I even voted for her in the primary (and I’m a millenial, gasp!)
It’s a powerful message that these grown men feel threatened by art created by an 18 year-old high school student. I hope the youth in this country continue to fight for justice and don’t lose hope in the next four years.
If and when they repeal ACA, poor white people in the South and Appalachia are going to lose their healthcare, so they’ll feel it (dying from black lung, no birth control, easily preventable diseases). It just sucks that it also affects poor POC and other non-Trump voting communities who didn’t ask to be part of this…
I remember having a huge collection of gel pens in elementary school. There was also one kid at my school who always carried gel pens in the pockets on the inside of his jacket and would try to sell them during recess and lunch.
It’s so clear to me that Trump wants to continue acting like a reality television star; playing up drama, creating cliffhangers, and exaggerating conflict to “make things interesting.” Unlike reality shows, though, THIS SHIT IS REAL AND HAS REAL CONSEQUENCES. Real people are going to suffer because he is such a…
I can’t stop crying.
I swear every morning since the election I’ve woken up and had the horrible realization that Trump is going to be president over and over. It’s like the movie Groundhog Day without the comedy.
For some reason a lot of my straight guy friends/family members have this really visceral reaction full of anger when anyone brings up Ed Sheeran. A common refrain I’ve heard is “I CANNOT UNDERSTAND WHY WOMEN LIKE ED SHEERAN.” It’s almost like they take it personally.
Yeah, that’s definitely part of the equation.