
Can’t be sure, but I’m gonna guess a big hearty no.

No, our turnout went down. We needed to step up to the plate and we didn’t. Barack won in 2008 because of younger voters. We could have swung this thing it was so close.

The enthusiasm gap mattered. Millennials who complained about Bernie not winning or how much they disliked Clinton didn’t make calls and didn’t encourage their friends/families in swing states to vote. Part of Obama’s win was the fact that so many people stepped up and participated in phone banks. If folks in CA and

I mean, I’m a millennial too. And I guess because most of my friends are pretty much all on the left, I felt like I was fighting them tooth and nail all the way up until Trump’s declared victory, like they refused to believe how dangerous he is. And a lot of them are still posting “It’s not my fault, I voted for

Yep. And I wouldn’t be surprised if they tried to ban birth control completely. There’s nothing stopping them.

They took a gamble and we all lost.

People trying to make themselves feel better, to try to absolve themselves from the mistake. I gotta be honest, all of this hurts.

It’s just white people trying to make themselves feel better. If there’s one thing we’re good at, it’s fucking complaining without doing the work.

Great. Thanks for all the millennial enthusiasm after the buzzer. I’ll think about how great these protests were after Roe v. Wade is overturned and I lose the right to healthcare with my pre-existing condition.

That image of Jimmy Fallon ruffling Trump’s hair and laughing has been replaying in my brain all day.

What do you call two people who use the rhythm method?

Honestly, who’s worse? Trump or Pence? Trump is a sham of a human being, but Pence is a true believer, and that really scares me.

Fuck all these Trump enablers that didn’t disavow him when he was tweeting that racist birther bullshit. I hope the democrats dig in their heels and somehow prevent a new SCOTUS appointee. And god forbid something happens to RBG during the next four years, I’m counting on Kagan to Weekend-at-Bernie her until the

Yeah, these women aren’t liberal. I know a lot of Catholic women who claim to be feminists, but still buy into the complementarian bullshit that ultimately demeans and denigrates women.

Literally these folks live up in the mountains an hour and a half away from the “big” city (which actually has a population less than 100,000) and for some of them, their only outing is to go to the local grocery store and back. I met people who had literally never traveled outside of the county they lived in. And

I lived in Appalachia for about 2 years after college, and this is so true. People that were my neighbors would regularly say horrible, hateful things about Muslims and Latinos, say the N word, etc. They HATED Obama deeply and personally. And most of them rarely, if ever, interacted with a single person of color in

It’s all part of the same mindset; hating a liberated woman doing what the fuck she wants.

Last night showed us that white housewives from the South and Mid West are still pissed about her cookies comment. They are willing to cut off their noses to spite their faces.

I’m assuming she’s referring to the Access Hollywood video? Even though it wasn’t the Clinton campaign that released it.

2016 would be the year that Snakes on a Plane comes true.