I love how Buzzfeed reporters and the official Buzzfeed twitter are like “WTF, man?!”
I love how Buzzfeed reporters and the official Buzzfeed twitter are like “WTF, man?!”
I have to stand up for my hometown of San Diego! It used to be really, really conservative because of the overwhelming military presence (never as conservative as Orange County, though), but in the past decade or two, it’s gotten a lot better. There are some incredible immigrant communities, delicious restaurants,…
I disagree that racism has gotten “worse” so to speak during Obama’s presidency, but instead that already existing, latent racism has been revealed. In the past 8 years, many white folks have felt like they’re losing power in society and consequently have engaged in outright racist actions and words to continue to…
My good friend-let’s call her Jane to protect her identity- told me her ghost story last year, and since then it has been confirmed to me by several people who were around at the time. It took place back in the late 90's when she was in her early 20's.
I never understand why people get mad at comedians for using politics in their routines. One of the best aspects of comedy is to satirize, commiserate, and groan in unison at current political issues. And good lord, had any of these people ever read an interview with Amy Schumer/seen her act before? She’s publicly…
I loved how this segment very clearly laid out why Jill Stein and Gary Johnson are terrible candidates for president, but I wish that John Oliver would give Clinton a little more credit than he has this election season. He said that you should feel gross after leaving the voting booth regardless of who you vote for…
Not necessarily gross, but terrible nonetheless. When I was in high school, I once had a huge red rash on my right leg that kept getting bigger and warmer over the course of the day. When my mom took me to urgent care that evening, the doctor said in a totally nonchalant tone, “Yeah, that’s a bad staph infection.” …
My local Thai restaurant has an item on the menu called “Obama Fried Rice.” The only difference between this dish and the fried rice dishes is that this one has brown rice. I’m pretty sure this is racist, right?
This is so gross. So sickening. It doesn’t surprise me, though because this stuff happens to so many young girls.
He’s unhinged. I just don’t understand what could possibly have made him so, so angry in the past few years. Even Rachel Maddow was questioning whether Giuliani seemed “off” in this election cycle.
I’ve had the most success of actually going on dates/hooking up with guys on OKCupid. I will occasionally download Tinder on my phone when I’ve been drinking because the swiping can be kind of addicting, but most of the time I delete it after a few days because most of the messages I get are from creepers and I’m…
I’m sorry, but fuck this. I’m a fairly progressive Californian who probably aligns philosophically with Bernie Sanders more than HRC, but decided to vote for Hillary in the primary and the general because I admire her dedication to women’s rights and the way she was able to get a lot of liberal shit done while she…
Yeah, he made his bed and now he has to lie in it. If he (and the rest of the Republican establishment) had shut down Trump’s racist birther shit back in 2008-10 instead of subtly using it to fire up the base, they wouldn’t have this mess on their hands. They overplayed their hand, and now they’re suffering the…
So after the election, we can say that today’s the day her presidency was sealed, right? Because if this is the best that Julian “Alleged Rapist” Assange can pull out of his ass, HRC is gonna be fine. I don’t even think Bernie could complain about this stuff.
Talking about sex is fine. It’s gleefully discussing touching folks without their consent that is the problem here.
It’s so perfect, especially with the Jeb!/Bush family angle.
1.) Gross. This shows that Billy Bush is a smarmy little fuck. (He’s a Bush so that shouldn’t surprise me, but for some reason it does)
If Nate Parker had shown any signs of true remorse during the past few months, I’d be more inclined to see the film. The fact that he just keeps saying “I was acquitted, therefore this shouldn’t be a problem anymore,” is so disingenuous. He just seems so self-absorbed.
I think that Jon Stewart would have been an amazing presence this election season. Yes, Sam Bee, John Oliver, and-to a certain extent-Seth Meyers have all contributed to satirizing and calling out Trump and his supporters this year, but there was always something about Jon that really kept me hopeful with his…