
If Ron Paul had decided to run as the libertarian candidate this year, he might of actually had a chance as opposed to this doofus (or at least have chipped off more votes from Trump). It boggles my mind that people are more excited to vote for this dude or Jill Stein, both huge idiots in their own way, instead of a

While I do disagree with her politics and her anti-Hillary stance, I will say that I love Susan Sarandon as an actor. Also, I saw her in real life once and I couldn’t believe how amazing her boobs were. Like seriously, I’m in my 20s and my boobs are saggier than hers.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkk him.

I’m convinced that the reason Trump has found so much “success” (the loosest definition of success possible) is because he has always had enough money to surround himself with smart people to make things happen for him. For me, the debate was proof that Trump himself isn’t actually that smart because it was just him

I loved the first Pirates so much that I saw it in theaters with my mom multiple times (I was into Orlando Bloom, my mom was into Johnny Depp). I also had it on DVD and watched it a lot during my middle school days, but it kinda faded off my radar for the past decade. Last weekend I saw that it was on Netflix,

Once I walked into a public bathroom at work that usually has a tiny little garbage can next to the toilet for throwing away used pads/tampons. Someone before me had knocked it over, though, because there were pads and tampons all over the floor in various states of toilet paper unwrap and bloodiness.

I totally binged on this show last weekend and I’m still trying to decide if I enjoyed it or not. Positives: Dave Franco being an adorable home brewer; Orlando Bloom’s fine ass (I know I could see his nude pics, but this was more...tasteful?); Kate Micucci trying to navigate a three way; depictions of characters with

I’m 100% positive he’d be applauding the NCAA if they moved a tournament out of a state because the state loosened regulations on abortions. This guy has the vocabulary to sound open minded, but deep down he’s just as much as an asshole as the rest of the church.

18.9 Miles is the furthest route from Downtown so that’s more than 10 miles off, not to mention that the actual San Diego city line touches the city of El Cajon. The story needs to be in correct context. This makes it sound like El Cajon some remote town in the middle of nowhere, when in fact it is more like a

When my family first moved to SD county, we lived in Ramona for about two years. I remember people in Ramona and on the way to Julian would post homemade, super racist signs at the bottom of their driveways.

1. If the police are so sure they are in the right, they would have no problem releasing the video. They had to hand pick one frame that makes the victim look bad.

Until they show the complete video, I do not trust their word.

Also, El Cajon is NOT 30 miles east of San Diego. It’s right next to the city of San Diego, a quick Google map search would cover that. I don’t think El Cajon is even 30 miles east of the ocean. Where are news outlets getting this information? Please correct this!

Yep. That’s what we all called it growing up.

I grew up in San Diego and it’s common knowledge that East County (El Cajon, Santee, Lakeside, etc.) is full of white supremacists. It does not surprise me that the El Cajon PD did this.

OK, here’s my (really off topic) story about Giuliani that I always think about when I read articles about him. When I was in 7th or 8th grade, my school had an assembly that everyone-students, teachers, etc- had to go to in the school gym. This was deep into the W. Bush years, around 2005/06, and most of the other

Darrell Issa? Joe “You Lie” Wilson? Steve King?

My goodness, I heard this report this morning too and was literally saying out loud in my car, “Good fucking lord, who are these people? How the fuck do they believe this shit?!”

When I was around 10 years old, my parents forced me to go to surf camp all summer even though I sucked at surfing. Anyway, if you’ve ever been to a beach in Southern California, you know a lot of surfer dudes do a “towel change” from bathing suit to regular clothes so they won’t get their car wet after being in the

The video shows once again that open carry laws do not apply to black Americans. If he is legally allowed to openly carry a gun in the state of NC, why in the hell are the officers telling him to drop it?