
This happened to me when I moved to West Virginia from California. I was suddenly surrounded by people who would be making me a peach pie one minute and then telling me that “All Muslims are evil and should be shot” the next. Such weirdness. I eventually had to move back to CA because I’m a liberal wimp and couldn’t

I used to argue with my extremely Republican grandma about politics, but eventually I realized I’m never going to win with someone who has said “Self-interest is what makes the world go around,” “No, I don’t think Obama was born in the U.S.,” and “President Obama might bring around the end of this country.” At some

Oh San Diego, my old neck of the woods. Good luck with Darrell Issa. Luckily I didn’t live in his district growing up, but his stench spread far and wide over SD county.

Exactly! One of the first things a representative from the US Consulate told my classmates and I when I studied abroad in Italy was to keep a picture of our passport on our phones and computers because it makes the process of getting a replacement passport so much faster (by like weeks).

It’s great that there is some exploration of drag/sexism in the interview. It’s something that I’ve always struggled with as a feminist. On the one hand, when I was in high school and working as a youth activist for LGBTQ causes, having a drag show was a very liberating experience for a lot of the fellow students I

Being from California, I’m glad that not only are we guaranteed a woman senator because both of the candidates are women, but we’re also going to get a Democrat because the top two candidates from the primary were both Democrats.

Ugh Jeff Weaver. Why are they sticking with him? It makes no political sense!


The pictures of the woman being forced to take off her blue shirt are just so horrible and creepy, like something out of a dystopian novel. Honestly, her outfit is not that different from something I would wear to the beach because I get sunburned so easily, but I have a strange feeling that the French police would

I’m sure I could easily look this up, but won’t Brexit eventually make travel like this to the UK a lot more difficult for Irish women? Because that would be another terrible consequence of the Brexit vote.

Well, when I went to the Jezebel panel at Politicon in LA in June, the two Jezebel panelists (I’m sorry, I can’t remember exactly which two writers were there) were basically shitting on Clinton the whole time and complaining that Bernie wasn’t going to win the primaries. The panelists also totally downplayed the fact

I’m sorry, but his statement sounds so disingenuous. The fact that he keeps emphasizing his innocence instead of focusing on the tragedy of this woman’s suicide is just frustrating. By referring to himself as a “father of daughters” and a “person of faith,” he continues to depict a morally superior version of himself,

Did anyone else get to see the Little Mermaid live at the Hollywood Bowl in June? It was awesome! On a related note, it’ll be a crime if Tituss Burgess isn’t cast as Sebastian in this movie version.

Alongside his buddy Dr. Spaceman.

In any case, a presidential candidate with a hypothetical medical illness is still less of a problem in my opinion than an actual racist, homophobic, sexist fascist. But that’s just me.

Or a West Virginia bar (except for maybe “Country Roads”)

I had the chance to meet Larry about 10 years ago, back when he was mostly known for his appearances on the Daily Show and the Office. He was extremely friendly in chatting with me and laughed in surprise when I told him that I was a huge fan of the Daily Show (I was in my mid-teens, but looked pretty young). He was

But by all means, let’s make it easier for everyone to purchase a gun!

I think that my head would have exploded in 2004 if someone had traveled back in time and told me that in 2016 people at the DNC would be quoting Ronald Reagan and chanting “USA! USA! USA!” followed by Rudy Giuliani “forgetting” 9/11. We are in a strange time.

And yet for some reason I get the feeling that a lot of folks who call themselves “pro-life” looooooooove this....