
The very last scene in Titanic gets me Every. Single. Time. I try not to cry. I know that it’s coming. I know how cheesy it is. In any other movie, I would laugh at the sappiness. But for some reason when Jack puts out his hand for Rose I can never hold back the tears.

Bummer! I have loved Taran ever since he was Spalding on Moody’s Point. I also recently got to see Jay Pharoah do stand up live and he was suuuuuper funny (and did his amazing Obama impression!)

I love Kyle Mooney purely due to the fact that he and I are both originally from San Diego (we went to rival high schools) and his humor is very SD. His Inside SoCal sketch is scarily accurate when it comes to portraying the bros that go to San Diego State. My brother and I crack up at those characters because it hits

Yeesh. Well at least it makes sense.

Exactly what I was thinking. It would make way more sense to me if it was a group of 19 year-old dudebros making a stink versus a (presumably) middle-age professor. Why would he care? Why would he take the time/energy to pursue this legally?

Ick, why do I have a feeling this professor is a big time arsehole?

I literally thought the trailer was an SNL sketch the first time I saw it. I thought “There’s no way this is a real movie that they spent money to make.”

The earliest Olympics that I can remember (though not the first in my lifetime) were the 1996 games in Atlanta, and I clearly remember being obsessed with the mascot, Izzy. Like I had an Izzy coloring book, an Izzy stuffed animal, and an Izzy shirt, and would also get super excited whenever he was on TV. I wish I had

As someone who grew up in a Catholic family, reading this took me back to the days of being told by fellow churchgoers that I was going to hell because I was openly and unequivocally pro-choice. Even though I can appreciate their sentiments, I will ultimately always have an intensely negative reaction to anyone who

I’ve had a crush on Rami ever since I saw Night at the Museum and was so intrigued by his look/voice. I also remember being very embarrassed by having a crush on a mummy.

There were a few people on MSNBC last night that said they didn’t like Bill’s speech (at least the first half of the speech) because it focused on Hillary in relation to her husband, but I had a totally different takeaway. I saw it as a brilliant reversal of the typical “this is my husband behind the scenes” speech

Both Hillary and Elizabeth Warren are in Florida today and tomorrow. PLEASE MAKE MY DREAMS COME TRUE, HILLARY.

Perhaps this has just been a year-long set up by Trump’s kids to get back at step-mom Melania Parent Trap-style.

Now I'm dying to know who wrote the speech for her. Did they seriously think they could just slip that by?!

I mean, it sort of looks bad for Taylor today, but in the long run, it won’t really. The choppiness of the recording and the fact that Kanye doesn’t mention the “bitch” line gives her enough plausible deniability that she knew the full extent of the song, therefore allowing her to keep playing the

This is all a publicity stunt and everyone is in on it.

Ben as Tucker on Flash Forward was one of the first crushes I ever had. Maybe my favorite show from the 90s? And I still remember the theme song with the weird animated chalk drawings.

Hillary Clinton making Pokemon jokes, Newt Gingrich on a VP shortlist...in the words of inexplicably-having-a-comeback-with-the-youths Blink 182:“What’s my age again?”

Maybe you dated an undercover Rami Malek? In any case, he is a good looking man and any men who look like him must be good looking too.

Am I the only one who watches clips of his lines from Kimmy Schmidt on youtube when I’m having a bad day? He always makes me smile!!!