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Uncle Phil was there when no one else was:

Off topic but I was just thinking about James Avery and how great a father figure he was for us teens of color. To all accounts he was equally great off set. I guess I just want to say screw Bill Cosby. Uncle Phil should get more love than he does.

Although not discussed as much, this is yet another reason why representation matters.

We briefly discussed the four stereotypes of black women in media and film and how Tyler Perry is the worst offender. Will you be talking more about the stereotypes? I think this would be beneficial for so many.

Federally, the protected class by age is for people over the age of 40. There is no provision for “reverse age discrimination” or whatever.

Anyone who needs a gun that badly probably shouldn’t own one in the first place. Maybe Walmart can argue that it is against their religion to sell guns to people under 21. Courts seem to like that excuse.

There is a large amount of established law where a racial, sexual or religious exception can not be imposed on a protected group as a customer. However, age is not considered a protected group or surcharges and exclusions made by car rental companies, hotels, airlines and any number of other services would be also



Is this guy’s lawyer being paid by the NRA for this shit?

True, but success does not equate to talent or innovation.

The dirty little secret is a lot of Perry’s audience subscribe to the conservative, punitive and sexist values seen in his films. His movies are popular because they validate a world view. Perry’s films also reliably feature mature black actresses in lead, marquee roles which appeals to his predominantly black female

I have only seen his “I hate women and I’m gonna punish them all” movies. I saw the two about marriages between unhappy people with Janet Jackson and then the one with that girl I like from Friday Night Lights and Brandy. Again, I’ve only seen three of his serious films so I can’t speak to all of his work. It just

I am so torn. I love her but have no interest in funding him. Blech.

Like that stupid cake in the picture. God I HATE gender reveal stupid parties. It is the only thing about pregnancy that I HATE more than baby freaking showers.

I didn’t even really want to be pregnant but damn if I didn’t end up fertilized anyway. I was too depressed to really worry about gender. Now I have a 14 year old and holy fuuuuuuuuuck she’s a handful. Funny and weird and witty, but a goddamn handful. So I’m just gonna recommend that everybody stop having kids and we

Yes. If you’re spending 8 hours a day, any day, playing with a cat you can be spending 8 hours a day working at a suboptimal job, or even volunteering or interning for your resume or, I dunno, doing some house or yard work for your parents who provide you with free room and board at the age of 24.

You are so right. The mom had no reason to share the texts from Morgan.