
So you’re suggesting they should have just left the kids behind and then had the cops called on them for child abandonment? They can’t just LEAVE their kids there! 

I didn’t hear him threaten to shoot a cop, and all he had was a cell phone anyway, so he couldn’t shoot him even if he’d threatened it.

But by your way of thinking, because cops are a real threat and often giving verbal threats to black people (the video from the Waffle House had them threatening to break the woman’s

Even if we argue, for a moment, that she wasn’t hacked and that is what she actually wrote a decade ago....

If she’s learned from her mistakes and no longer believes it or practices it and has grown and changed, why should we still beat her up for it? It’s not like Trump or his supporters are admitting they are wrong,

To be fair, I knew a lot of liberal white MSNBC fans who despised Melissa Harris-Perry before her, and were all, “Eh, who cares, I couldn’t relate to any of the nonsense she talked about anyway,” when she was fired.

I think there is plenty of evidence that a lot of white MSNBC fans are pleased at how much Andrew Lack

Sadly I know some people of color who keep trying to move away from other people of color, too. I almost have to laugh at the idea of them moving away from other people of color into white neighborhoods and upsetting the white people there now that black people are moving in.

We intentionally moved into a low-crime but

Fuck that noise about how you have to have a “good guy with a gun” to stop a bad guy with a gun. What you need is a BRAVE man or woman who doesn’t necessarily need a gun to give themselves courage!

Police take note: You don’t always have to shoot and kill someone to stop them!

And to add insult to injury, the fact that they called 9 fucking 1 1 over this!! What exactly was the nature of her emergency?

I’ve worked a couple of places where we might have had to call the police on the very rare occasion to deal with a situation but even then, we were given the the regular, non-emergency line

The black people could go work for the black owned business.

Then you really don’t understand business, do you? People go into stores and restaurants all the time and browse and consider if they are going to buy, and many times people leave without buying anything without being berated by staff or arrested. In America, one is not obligated to buy anything just because they set

Guess you never asked!

I’m a bit surprised I have to explain to you the difference between a restaurant and a coffee shop, as if you don’t realize they are two different business models. Maybe you’ve never seen or heard of Starbucks before, or how they advertise to be a “hang out” place where you can hang out and use the wifi, charge your

You mean worker protections? And I call a foul on this idea that “a guy with ten employees” is so heavily regulated, because I know all about the loopholes for “small busness owners” who have less than 20 employees. (I think it depends on the state and the particular employment law, but somewhere between 20 and 50 is

Don’t kid yourself. They are trumps after all. They will spend their lives complaining about the “fake news” and being convinced they and their relatives can do no wrong, and that their grandfather was a national hero. They’ll probably think they are part of the “Trump Dynasty” and will be running for president on the

Yes, and we know that a big part of the problem that law enforcement selectively enforces the laws. Local law enforcement aren’t terribly knowledgeable about all the laws, especially federal laws.

Additionally, we know that the current administration is trying to undo everything, so it doesn’t hurt for states to

It’s their stupid talking point that “gun free zones” aren’t safe because “bad guys” will target a gun free zone knowing that no one there has guns to stop them. Thus if someone gets into the “gun free zone” with a gun and shoots someone, then the venue was at fault for letting that person slip through the net and

While I agree it’s critical for funding issues, I’ve talked to a lot of people who don’t want to fill it out at all because the government will use answers to gerrymander the hell out of districts to make sure our votes don’t count in future elections.. A lot of people have lost all faith in the process and want

“They took action to ask someone to pass a law! They didn’t take action to say how do I, as an individual, deal with this problem.”

I’m genuinely confused when people keep saying that Trump must be getting blackmailed by Russia or anyone else. So what if Russia exposed he had 17 other women he paid off? Nothing sticks to Trump, it doesn’t politically hurt him that he’s a sleeze, his evangelicals almost seem happier that he can bag all these women

The legal definition means something in COURT. This isn’t going to court. The guy terrorized the community. In very real terms to real people (besides lawyers) this WAS terrorism. He was out to cause terror to people, so he was - in real world terms - a terrorist.

MRAs like to claim that like 90% of guys on the list are guys who turned 18 three days ago who touched their girlfriend who turns 18 three days from now and that it’s wildly unfair and unreasonable. In other words, they exaggerate because they hate the idea of any rules limiting their skeevy jail-bait desires.