
Carrying on the family name always seemed like the dumbest excuse ever. It’s just a name it means nothing. If it meant so much, women wouldn’t ditch their maiden names so easily.

I also see this crap when women have a bunch of kids with different guys and then whine that their kids will be scarred for life if she

Luckily for them, people who love buying weapons clearly have plenty of disposable income to burn because all those guns ain’t cheap.

I get into this argument often with friends and even strangers who hate Walmart with a fierce passion but LOVE their amazon prime. Amazon is no better, and might even be worse because at least Walmart is employing some of the locals. One of the local Walmart put in the new Scan & Go system and people I know who love

But the episode where they revealed his (impending) death aired eight weeks ago. Go re-watch it. It hasn’t been a secret for months.

I’ve met a lot of grown men who will “joke” about hurting or kicking or even torturing animals and I am always left with the impression that he’s a domestic abuser. Always.

I know Walmart employees who seethe about Walmart’s extremely generous return policies. If the employee refuses the return, people scream to corporate and corporate usually says, “Just take it back and give them a gift card in the amount of the return.”

They’ve had to take back lawnmowers that were filthy from use and

“I am merely pointing out that removing the social stigma around casual sex has resulted in men seeking to maximize the amount of sex they have. This is an aspect of that.”

But isn’t that equivalent of saying, “Building more food restaurants results in people seeking to maximize the amount of food and calories they

It isn’t even just death, since flying is fairly safe. But if flying makes people so anxious and stressed, what do they think it does to their animals who don’t understand what is going on? I can’t imagine putting an animal on a plane and putting them through that except in the rarest of emergencies.

And this drives me crazy because a lot of people have pet allergies or anxieties triggered by animals. Every idiot is taking their dogs into the grocery stores and even restaurants lately and their attitude is, “Screw all you, I shouldn’t have to stay at home just because I think I need my dog around me all the time!”

Besides the creepy purity-ball thing, for some reason, in these here parts (Texas) they do daddy-daughter dances as a Valentine’s Day thing, which kinda felt a little off to me. Chick Fil A usually does “Daddy Daughter Date Night” for Valentine’s Day, too. (Sometimes it’s not actually on valentine’s day, but sometime

You started out whining people are picking on Trump supporters because you have different values and no one cares enough about your fee fees while at the same time saying you have more important things to do than worry about anyone else’s. Then you whined everyone here was “shaming” you. And I was explaining that no,

People of color have been dealing with that “shit” all along yet manage to not vote for Trump. Funny how that works.

I don’t think anyone is trying to shame them - they’d have to be capable of shame for that strategy to work. I think we’re just finally realizing and admitting to each other that they are irredeemable and that it’s time to write them off completely.

When they are all telling the same crazy lie like that, it’s probably paid trolls.

I love the double standards you republicans live under.

But it would set a precedent so they know what works to force more Democrats out, some in red states. There is a possibility they are targeting him as a test run, knowing people will allow it by using your reasoning, and then they can tie the hands of the Dem party as they go after more.

What do you mean, without being able to point at Bill Clinton, etc. They will ALWAYS point to Bill Clinton; they will still be doing it fifty years from now! Just like they keep blaming Hilary for everything and she’s not even running for anything anymore. Forcing every Democratic senator they target to resign will

That never seems to stop white dudes from getting jobs theyre horribly unqualified for though, Ive worked with or for enough of them to know

Or maybe the message here is that people who think that they are still children who shouldn’t have to wear shoes in public are the biggest fucking babies on the planet?

Why would you bring a child into a loveless, sexless, toxic, doomed relationship??