
The Garners’ wish may prevent Erica’s activism from being covered by mainstream outlets

White people: far more upset that a grieving black family won’t talk to them than that a family member was murdered by a police officer and dragged through the mud.

Damn. Well done. I think you hit the nail on the head here, and using your own experience to reinforce your point was, I think, critically important in driving it home.

Another case of “Allthingsbeingequal-itis”. Ask those same people what it means to be a minority in America and they will give you a detailed explanation of population size.

What Franken is alleged to have done is very different from what Moore is alleged to have done. No one is arguing that Franken should be given a pass. What is being argued is the question of what is appropriate accountability for the SPECIFIC offense, which is why the hypocrisy claim is so misplaced. Assault is not

Please try to keep up. Whomever is appointed to replace him would ALSO be up in 2018. Minnesota law stipulates that an appointed replacement only serves until the next national election, NOT until the end of the original term. That individual would have less than a year to earn their re election. MN also elects US

Bottom line, Franken can’t resign. As a Democrat, I am all for accountability. I am not all for unilaterally disarming. Say Franken resigns. Gov. Dayton appoints another DFL-er, an up-and-comer with potential to hold the seat. Great. No real harm.

I don’t understand why this is so hard for the left. Yes, we should take the allegations seriously. Yes, we should talk about why the alleged actions are wrong. But for heaven’s sake, we shouldn’t do this in a politically naive way because reality is what it is is. We should be using this to call for rules changes or

Yes, so much this! 

I feel like people are in denial over how on the ropes social justice is in the country. Maybe the left really is in a bit of a bubble because for sure, we did not take the threat of Trump seriously enough.

If we want to advocate for a cleaning house of all of Congress with bipartisan ethics

Demanding Franken resign is the definition of a Pyrrhic victory. Alabama is going to vote in a fucking child molester, but a child molester that will push the republican agenda.

So basically, if I’m a right wing operative and want to decimate the Democrats (and moderate Republicans) in the House and Senate and get them to resign all I have to do is get a group of people to say they were sexually assaulted? Brilliant.

The fact that people STILL think that something like “moral high ground” means something is absolutely ridiculous.

Exactly. Independents won’t win shit, but the GOP will extend their reach.

I place far more credence on the public declarations of support from dozens and dozens of women who have worked for him over the years than some thin, unsourced, unverifiable anonymous claims.

You know what will happen if Al Franken resigns? Nothing. It won’t lead to a wave of resignations on the Republican side, led by Trump. No; Franken will be the only one to resign, and there the Democrats will be, one vote and one strong voice down in the Senate.

In short the Republicans got it right, if you as a public figure are accused of sexual assault it is in your (and your party’s) interests to deny, deny and deny until the heat dies down regardless of guilt.

We can have principles without calling for Franken to resign (or anyone for that matter), just as we can have principles without having called for Pres. Clinton to resign during the Lewinsky scandal.

Roy Moore is accused of having sexual relationships with underage girls, as well as raping and assaulting one or more of

I feel like every damn comment section on topics like this (and every damn mass shooting - but that’s another mountain) should be proof enough that men in general are the hysterical sex. Freud really missed the mark there. 

You again!

The ways to overcome your trashness if  you’re a man who’s trash (and you probably are, we all probably are, I ain’t special and you’re not either) arethe same ways we ask white people to admit white privilege is a thing;