
He’s white. Does he really need any skills or education to get a job? *looks at current occupant of WH history of life*

White folks will take any opportunity to do blackface.

I do landscaping, I have watched time and time again as the dirtiest white dudes in the world get multiple chances to fuck up the same job while a stack of applications from blacks and other minorites collect dust. Doesnt matter whether high income low income blue collar white collar, as a white man you can ALWAYS

That is exactly the case I thought of when I first read the headline. They have a long and sick history of using us as scapegoats criminally.

Jarred Schmittle

White people will go to extraordinary steps to blame black people for their crimes. Consider the case of Conrad Zdzierak.

That never seems to stop white dudes from getting jobs theyre horribly unqualified for though, Ive worked with or for enough of them to know

If he’s the sort of person who thinks Blackface is a way to throw off the cops in a bank robbery, which as you say he couldn’t even apply that well, I doubt he’s got any skills or education to put on a CV.

All that time applying bad makeup when he could have written a resume and applied for some jobs.

I totally believe he will win. Republicans will imbrace him and act like there are no accusers.

UK Update:

“Take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus.”

I absolutely cannot put it any better. It’s appalling to me that there are professions in which an employer is allowed to compensate their employees so little that we as a consumers are burdened (or is it guilted) into making up the difference, regardless of a person’s performance.

I know I’ve voiced my opinion on this

But would it matter? You would, theoretically, be paying the same amount you would have after tip. But it's all up front and not based on this social expectation crap.

Absolutely, and that's a good thing. It's not an actual change in price; it's being more honest with consumers up-front.

I always tip well because I understand how the whole restaurant thing works, but I hate it and wish it would go away. Of course, for as much as restaurant workers bitch about getting stiffed on tips and how low their salary is, anytime I say that the tipping system should be done away with, they don't want that

you are the take-out person, you didn't make the food, you didn't deliver it to my house, you didn't even meet me at the car with it. You stood at the register and got my food for me.

There are a number of better ways to react to poor service than simply not tipping. Talking to a manager, leaving a bad review, or not returning to the restaurant at all are all better options.

Maybe everyone else in your department's getting tips, but they're not telling you...

It's high time we ended the practice of tip-based wages. If restaurants want to pay a commission or a flat living wage or whatever, that can work.