
No argument there. However, just being an asshole does not a lawsuit make. Lawsuits are for when actual, considerable harm has taken place. Nobody deserves a massive payday just because they were made to briefly feel bad about themselves. If that were the case, I'd be driving a 911 GT3.

A better way to show that you don't care is by not bothering to comment.

As someone who just escaped the soulcrushing wasteland that is employment in the service industry, I'm glad nobody sued us for all the times customers took offense to something stupid and insignificant or overheard us talking about a particularly rude or obnoxious customer when we thought none were present.

Reminder, guys: DON'T FEED THE TROLLS

My question for these folks is this: does the lobotomy hurt? Do they do it backstage?

How could you miss this one?

In a game of so little skill, asking people to pronounce the words correctly isn't too much to ask.

Really?! I've often looked at babies and thought: What an asshole. You must meet a better class of baby than me.

Fingers crossed. She's a perfect fit for the show.

It goes to Harry's offpsring, or a cousin.

I totes want this kid to grow up and do something outrageous, like become the lead singer of a really bad punk rock band. It would amuse me greatly.

I'm betting yes. She's a sly one and I love her for it.

OR...that Cressida is pregola. That would be a nice knicker-bunching scandal for Das Haus of Vindsor.

Would they even go for #2? Her first pregnancy sounded like an absolute nightmare.

If I were William or Kate, I would drop hints *all the time* just to troll the gossip mongers.

Europeans are not quite so paranoid in general about a glass of wine in pregnancy.*

Fucking with people ... like his wife, Kate? BECAUSE THAT"S WHERE BABIES COME FROM?!?

Sorry, DailyMail induced hysteria.


"That's my worst nightmare, I cheated on my wife,"

No excuse necessary, the mere fact that our wonderful bodies are our bodies and not yours or anyone else's is what "makes it OK" to allow ourselves to do and drink whatever the hell we want.