
So she wanted ONE day off, to participate in this Women’s Strike, and he freaked out this badly? Like none of the guys have ever asked for one day off for any reason? What a lunatic.

If people so very much want to skip the meal planning and grocery shopping steps and have a meal kit delivered to them, that’s great. What bugs me is when they want the convenience but then complain about the cost. Yeah, you pay for convenience. You don’t get to gripe about that part.

I get that you’re really invested in this guy and his shows, but I’m not convinced you have watched that much of it, either.

I guess it’s just a favorite outlet for their racism and sexism, and since black women are an doubly-marginalized group, they’ll have a better chance of “getting away with it” than other forms of dickishness.

By going after the hair — when for many women that is part of their self-esteem and beauty — I suppose they

You can blame the Iraq war to some extent, but I served in the 90s and I remember the racism and sexism even then.

I’m not certain that it fucked up his relationship with the service that much. I believe more servicemembers are right-leaning than left-leaning. There is an awful lot of racism, misogyny, homophobia and xenophobia in the services. Lots of toxic masculinity. Lots of bitching that black guys and women are taking all

Good to know!

I too, rather doubt they said that — that woman is unhinged, so her entire version of the incident is in doubt.

But even if they DID park too close and say “fat bitch” and “fuck Jesus” it still makes no sense that her reaction would be to go that berserk!

When I see someone act like this, especially over

The Right-Wing: “Abortion is all about BLACK GENOCIDE! It’s a LIBERAL CONSPIRACY to kill off all your black babies!!”

Also The Right-Wing: “Calm down, Black Americans! All we want to do is keep the criminal element among you from having a bunch of crack-addicted babies, so we got this great trap-and-release program

And here I thought I was the only one who had that experience with of people named Amber!

The whole thing has me scratching my head:

“They parked too close to my car, they called me a fat bitch and said fuck jesus, so of course I had no other choice but to viciously declare we were going to kill them all!”


The difference might have something to do with how much racism is in America vs. antisemitism. Jewish people do not feel they are under attack and oppressed every day of their lives. And in Germany, the Nazi flag and Nazism was outlawed, not tolerated in the name of “heritage.” There has been a real effort to try and

With the rise of Trump, I guess they believe there is an awful lot of Americans who would be thrilled with a “The South WON! hurr hurr!” permise right now, so they want to strike while the iron is hot. There is probably a lot of overlap between that group and their gratuitious violence loving GoT fanbase.

But for the

I wish you wouldn’t call them girls.


*yawn* This hysteria again? Call me when your draft number has been called.

Actually, call me after your draft number has been called AND you’ve actually reported for service. Which won’t happen so all this martyrdom is just silly.

It’s only “not normal” in American culture because people cling to it and to homophobia. Just stop clinging to this idea that “hand holding” is wrong and “gay”.

Really? So you’d rather spend your whole life not realizing you were using the word wrong than someone point it out to you because that embarrassed you? You get all upset over someone trying to help and that makes them “childish?”

This reminds me of the time a couple of 4th graders, thinking they were super cool,

I, too, hate “girl” being used to describe grown women. To the male threadjackers who will show up to whine about “But you all say ‘girl’s night out!’” — Sure, sometimes when we talk about our closest friends/relatives, we might use that term with affection, but when talking about women in general or a random woman,

And she’ll find another!

Yes. It just seems that in hollywood they tend to cast white people in the lead roles by default without letting people of other races and ethnicities have the opportunities. Then they shrug and say they “can’t” pay non-white actors as much because they aren’t in the lead roles. And then let the viewing audience argue