I find that hard to believe. The Walmart employees would just steal the stuff and lie about how long it took them to “deliver” the stuff.
I find that hard to believe. The Walmart employees would just steal the stuff and lie about how long it took them to “deliver” the stuff.
Walmart does not handle the disability-related absences; that’s a third-party company called Sedgwick. If these employees are not getting their disability related claims approved, it’s not Walmart’s fault. They don’t make those decisions.
I somehow doubt this suit will be taken seriously, but in the case that it might, maybe Alamo Drafthouse just needs to become a “private club” to get around the rules, like gentleman’s clubs do.
(Being a private club, at least in these here parts, is kinda a joke. Just fill out some bullshit membership card and you’re…
Well, it sounds quite similar.
Only at the Reglear chain of movie the-a-ters
I’m guessing he’s planning to show up and flash his dick to everyone or masturbate in the theater.
Hillary was right — republicans are deplorables. I no longer have any respect for anyone who votes Republican. Republican voters are trash who would vote for Charles Manson if his name had an R next to it. They have no redeeming qualities.
He might go up in the estimation of people who vote red/Trump. They love tough guys.
The only “good” thing about this is that maybe this will get the attention of the “rust belt” when they get their SSDI and food stamps cut.
I gave up Network television a few years ago because I could not watch any more cookie-cutter shows. Cops/FBI Agents. Lawyers/Judges. Superheroes. Doctors. Firemen. It’s all been done to death!
I’m also sick of watching shows that are all/mostly all white casts. I’ve found much more diversity in shows on cable or…
I can’t get into it, either. I consider myself a “nerd” but certainly not a geek. If I want to watch something “nerdy” I watch Frasier repeats because somehow Frasier and Niles can be nerds without being insufferable. BBT is just a bunch of self-righteous jerks being pedantic and grating, taking everything literally…
Why is it that people who voted for Trump have no sense of humor?
Look, there is so much mock-worthy about the Trump administration, how can any good comedian pass it up? Even if you voted for him you have to admit some of it is funny. Have a sense of humor!
For eight years while many of us (well, me anyway) were in…
but not Steve Carrell??!
Sorry, that’s just the part I couldn’t wrap my head around. You’re perfectly entitled to that opinion. I just get so thrown that mediocre, buffoon white guys in hollywood always get a pass no mater how grating they are.
One of the reasons network TV is so insufferable is that it’s all the same shit over and over again. Doctors, lawyers, judges, cops, FBI agents, or firefighters. Someone please inform them that there are other professions out there.
And doesn’t Kevin James have a new show that is just like King of Queens except instead of the father-in-law living with them he has kids? What is with these guys who can’t come up with anything original?
It’s 2017 so it would easily make sense to say Mark and Becky divorced and she’s on her second or third husband. Just cast someone else to be Becky’s new husband and it fits in with her generation.
Steve Carrell is in this, so it’s sure to be a farce, and Emma Stone is what you find objectionable about this?
The hilarity is that these dumb fucks don’t realize how bad the confederacy was for people like them!! Most of the landholding elite treated “poor, white trash” terribly, thought of them as a drain on society, and didn’t allow them to vote or hold public office. They were basically seen as cannon fodder for their…
I realized when most of Hillary’s die-hard supporters were spending much of the later campaign screaming about Bernie and even Jill Stein and blaming them for Hillary’s loss long before early voting even started. Like, they already knew, and they simply gearing up their message of who to blame early. When her own…
I just couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that so many people would vote for Donald Fucking Trump, you know? It was as if my brain couldn’t there.