
If I wanted to play devil’s advocate with you and say, “yeah, shitty diets are to blame for all the problems” what are you going to do with it? Is your solution to say that people who smoke, drink and eat shitty foods can’t have access to health insurance? Should they be required to pay cash for all treatments and if

What about the curse from Thinner?

remember, these people were fine with Tim Kaine when he was faux-pro-choice only to get on Hilary’s ticket and his voting record said otherwise. They are only using this as an excuse to scream about Bernie again. I don’t see how the party will ever heal as long as they spend the next decade screaming at anyone they

What I heard during the whole campaign last year was “Vote Blue No Matter Who!!!” But I’m glad we’re not doing that anymore.

I’m so pleased y’all are over that obnoxious “vote blue no matter who” mantra I heard all last fall. Let’s never vote by nursery rhyme again.

I read this book recently and it was fascinating! I loved it. Highly recommended!

“O’Reilly would go on to write or co-write over 20 books”

Do we believe he “co wrote” these or just slapped his name on them and split the proceeds?

“...the day off around this time of year, I grab some vacation, because it’s spring and Easter time! Last fall I booked a trip that should be terriffic...”

All is not lost. As long as Kansas stays deep red, it gets to be the proving ground of all the shitty republican policies, and we all get a front row seat of watching it go down in flames. Let it stay deep red, let them wallow in their Brownback-loving utopia to be a cautionary tale for the world to see.

Oh for pity’s sake! She’s a filthy rich, beautiful, white girl who can have any career she wants and will never have to have answer to a boss. Her perfect little world of jet-setting off to Paris for a few days to cheer herself up when her feelings are hurt will always be there. She will be fine and living in

so what you meant was murderers. How cool you figured out you can stay free as long as you don’t murder anyone afterward.

You’re a joke if you think rapists actually end up on death row. They can rape a woman in public, have two witnesses and still only do three months in jail and get let out in time to enroll in fall semester classes. Try again, Cheeto.

Don’t most of these sex scandals with Republican men end up involving other men? This whole thing seems like a red herring so we don’t notice what/who they are really doing.

Tommyknockers was the worst.

No way should anyone have to chip in for their honeymoon vacation! That just seems extremely tacky, especially for someone who clearly isn’t broke and had the money to put on a grand party!

I have a black husband and even people who know i have a black husband are unable to censor themselves appropriately in front of me and say racist shit. *sigh*

The imperial wizard in Missouri was killed by his family (also Klan members) last month, if that is any small comfort.

My husband is good about helping around the house without asking so I’m very lucky. But what i don’t get is why he needs acknowledgement and praise every time he does something! It’s ridiculous.

You sound white. :-)

I see you’ve been triggered.

It’s not only about terrorist attacks or road rage. A real concern in this country is the number of suicides by firearm. And even if you don’t give a damn about suicides and think it’s their right to blow their heads off, some of them will be taking family members along for the ride. Even