
You have way too much faith in military justice. The people who will be judging the ones making the threats probably have a lot more sympathy for them than they do for Brennan. Military culture is incredibly hostile to women.

I thought you all were boycotting the Oscars this year? Did you not get the memo? Wasn’t The Walking Dead on this week?

I was kind of hoping they put the Trump sticker on and someone else walked by and put on the Coexist sticker! lol

No lie: I recently saw a vehicle with a Trump sticker AND a Coexist sticker and my head almost exploded trying to figure that one out.

1/3 of Americans think you have to be a English speaking Christian to technically be considered “American.”

For what it’s worth, I agree with you even if the rest don’t. I don’t get it, either, why people like to see the same blow-everything-up or shoot-everything-up movies over and over again, or low-brow humor. Something weird happened to me in my 30s and I matured (?) I guess. I need something more interesting, somewhat

I’m on the waitlist for the ebook from my library. I’m almost afraid I don’t want to read it.

I’m assuming Politico’s “source close to Trump” is John Barron.

Sears sold Craftsman. Black and Decker bought Craftsman.

Your cat deserves better.

(those low-budget brands are the ones that always come up on recalls.)

I didn’t even know there were any Sears or Kmarts open anymore. Maybe in some small towns in red counties?

Wha—? Are you kiddi—? So... Ugggggh.

If this is true, I’M going to join the “Lock Her Up” chorus, because she and the DNC cannot pull this fucking shit on us AGAIN. FFS.

Local law enforcement said they discovered Ancona was missing Thursday on Facebook.

She’s almost assuredly throwing giant tantrums behind closed doors, but asking her dad and kellyanne to do her dirty work for her, so she can pretend to be all “professional.”

“Has he not seen Steven Bannon”... hell has he not seen himself?

My theories:

A) Supposedly the Russians hacked both parties; perhaps they are being blackmailed?

B) They are just greedy and giddy and want to make all their dreams come true while they can, and know their followers will blame “libtards” no matter what happens.

C) They know their republican voters will vote for anyone

Tamron deserves better than having to put up with the likes of Kelly. Ug.

You are overly optimistic. You need to come to terms with the fact that people didn’t vote for him because he’s qualified or capable. They voted for him to spite everyone they hate — libtards, educated elites, black people, Latinos, Muslims, gays, etc. To think you can reason with them when their reasoning is

Nope. that doesnt’ work, either. If you challenge them every day, they whine they are persecuted and say, “SEEE THIS IS WHY WE VOTED FOR TRUMP!” But if you don’t challenge them, they feel they are right and justified. If you unfriend them, they think it’s a failure in you for not being tolerant of others beliefs

I disagree. We are in this mess because we have allowed casual racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, and willful ignorance to pass unchallenged by family and friends. Our country is being destroyed as we speak. That’s more important than getting along at the holidays.