
Not saying this will be easy and it will be a battle in the courts. There are lots of advocacy groups that will take on this cause and many of them are joining ranks & pooling resources.

If it was possible to reason with these fuckers, we’d have talked them out of voting for trump. No, wait. If they were reasonable people who could have been reasoned with, we wouldn’t have had to reason with them; they would never have considered voting for him in the first place.

And PLEASE avoid the false

Trumpelstiltskin undoubtedly has a bulletproof pre-nup and will happily drop her back in Slovenia and cut off all contact with her son; if she doesn’t toe the line and do exactly what she is told

At the moment we’ve ALL been thrown out with the bathwater thanks to red-state voters, and your butthurt is, “If I have to suffer, so does everyone in blue states!!”? Well, that’s mature.

Currently I’m living in a red state, but if the country broke up and “blue” states started their own country, I’d relocate.


HAHAHA! People are being delusional. Nothing short of a video of Trump commiting murder could change his public status

Just imagine all the things he’ll have to say about Madame Tussaud’s when he doesn’t like the way his wax figure looks.

A lot of Instagram-facilitated drama occurred between Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian on the eve of their baby special airing on E!

In this world of fake news and knowing what absolute publicity whores the whole Kardashian Klan is, I can’t believe anyone here believes any story about the Kardashians or why everyone is so in love with them. They make up fake dramas for puliciity and attention and it obviously works. The whole Klan has all been

Me too. I think Trump takes the phrase, “Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it” as a motivational speech. He heard about the age of the Robber Barons and he’s like, “Me and my friends want to repeat that!” He wants his name up there with Astor, Carnegie, Rockefeller, JP Morgan, Charles Schwab, and

It’s the “I have a black friend” phenomenon, but don’t fall for it. Certain white people feel that, to prove they aren’t really racist, they can point to the one black friend they have. Of course, they only are friends with him probably because he either works with them, lives next to them, or married into their

That’s what makes me furious, too.

If he’s gotten two other women pregnant as he alleges, then that suggests he’s not unable to procreate/infertile. How is this not thrown out of court already?

I do believe that Black Lives Matter contributed to this election, sadly. Too many people who, supposedly, voted for Obama last two times switched because they were mad about Black Lives Matter and Colin Kaepernick. They might not admit it but they were mad that people get getting too uppity after having a black

And the alt-right will now spend all day flagging anything that talks about racism or racial justice. This will be fun.

Trumps base doesn’t care. Short of him showing up at their house and eating their children, they don’t care. They don’t care if he doesn’t keep his campaign promises. They don’t care who or what is president as long as he has an R next to his name so they can feel like winners. To them this is nothing more than a

Perhaps, but I know white women who supported Trump who want to wear safety pins now to assuage their own guilt and to “prove” to others they aren’t racist. And I don’t know, but any other day of the week I think they would be saying rude things about Muslims and terrorism in America, but right now they feel guilty

Have you been paying attention this year? Nothing can horrify his base.

46% of voters didn’t bother to turn out for this election. You think they’ll care about midterms?

At a Trump rally in Sterling Heights, Michigan on Sunday, Nugent grabbed the crotch of his pants, yelling: “I got your blue state right here, baby! Black and blue!”

I have friends who continue to insist Maury, Jerry Springer and Judge Judy are totally real. *shrug*