
My understanding is it's been less "milking the same cow" and more "our KS campaign was successful beyond our wildest dreams so we added a bunch of stretch goals that unexpectedly took years to work through".

Whatever happened to Leatherface’s brother?

“The kids like the cancel people on the TikTok with their twitters, right?”

My favorite message in films, which exist solely to distract us from our real lives, is “people need to stop being distracted and focus on their real lives”. It totally gets the point across!

Yeah, that line is just so dumb. Evn young people know when to cut and run. And I’ve never heard anyone threaten to cancel anyone IRL. This is Twitter talk. Smacks of a 60-year-old screenwriter writing what he thinks “the young people today” act like. 

...ugh. Look, screenwriters... please just shut the fuck up about social media.

I’m guessing they replaced the standard suspension with Orbital Drop Shocks.

I thought the header pic was a meme, but then it happened in the trailer, and now I can’t stop laughing.

Yes, thank you for informing the OP, who called it a “show”, that it is in fact a show, tremendous service you’ve done 

They’re aware it’s a show. They used the word “show”. A show can look cheap by show standards, which is what the OP is saying is the case here. 

I don’t know what it is, whether its the compositing or color grading, but something makes this look cheap for some reason, it doesn’t feel like a big budget show, instead feels like one of those old direct to video type things like forward unto dawn, etc...

I just use a random word each time because I play for fun.

The best starting word is farts and no-one will persuade me otherwise

This stood out to me as well. Why would you need NFTs just to have a RMT market for in-game items? Do they just expect people to be dumb enough to fall for it (granted, this thought is not without merit) or is this “VP of innovations” not understanding the concept himself?

But they don’t get it for now.”

Group that was cool with the most profane president in history and his escort, nude-posing wife is mad at this?

There is some precedent for this. The Oklahoma congressman Tom Coburn protested the uncensored network TV broadcast of Schindler’s List in 1997, calling it “an all-time low, with full frontal nudity, violence and profanity being shown in our homes,” adding that “I cringe when I realize that there were children all

How much you want to bet 100% of the board would also, completely unironically, object to the removal of Confederate monuments because “it’ll make people forget history”

I’m old enough, and the catholic grade school I attended was progressive enough (go, Jesuits!) that we learned about the Holocaust from an actual survivor. It was horrifying. It was something I’ll never forget because her story was personal. Similarly, we learned about the civil rights movement by listening to an

which sounds much more mature than this”

Might want to give Maus a read.