
I don’t remember seeing Furfrou in Sun/Moon (my first Pokemon game since Ruby/Sapphire back on the GBA). Is it from X/Y maybe? Either way it’s incredibly cute and I’m excited to build a colorful Poodle Posse.

This is such a culty reply. 

Reno 911! should be fairly obvious, although it was shot in SoCal (pro tip: Reno doesn't have palm trees. Plenty of evergreens though!)

I came to terms with book-destruction when I carved up a copy of Studs Lonigan to make a hollow book to hide things in. When thousands upon thousands of an edition of something is produced, and thousands of libraries and individuals are carefully preserving copies, then irrevocably modifying a book isn't going to

Amazing! Needs moar Jake, though!

Don't let you facts and prior knowledge get in the way of his need to feel better than people! It's all he has!

Well, good to know that your (narrow) taste is the final word on the matter.

Oh cool thanks for the correction! That makes sense.

If I'm remembering correctly, they banned showing time travel to the past, so as to avoid seeding and feeding off of nostalgia for a pre-Mao China. There were a lot of shows featuring modern characters that were sent back several centuries, and they wanted to curb their popularity.

Interesting. I basically stopped watching The Walking Dead after the season 2 premier so I'm a bit unfamiliar with it, but that jives with what friends have told me.

Well put. I was with it until the end, at which point I really didn't want there to be anymore.

Maybe I'm just a jaded asshole, but am I the only one who thought that the ending was a little too happy? Everything a little too nicely resolved? Meyer did the same thing (but far worse) in Breaking Dawn, with the whole last third of the book building up to a climactic confrontation where... everybody talks over

I read the book, and it wasn't particularly terrible, and definitely not Twilight level bad. But then again it reminded me of the Animorphs book series quite a bit, which I devoured in middle school. It was almost too close really, but I guess that brain-invading aliens is a pretty common trope in sci-fi at this

The cuteness... overwhelming...

Very true, it's just odder when you're seeing it rendered in realistic CG instead of a comic panel. I'm sure I'll get used to it soon enough.

Other than the fact that they randomly plopped down a weird-ass building in the middle of Midtown, I'm sold. This movie just shot to the top of my psyched list.

Yeah totally! When I was a kid, I was just itching to see long-winded discussions about trade federations and no-confidence votes.

Yanking the hair, the music, hitting the ice wall: all slapstick.

There's some novellas about a hedge night set about a century before the events of the series that Martin wrote if you haven't read them. There's also an RTS video game set during Nymeria's invasion of Dorne (that I've hear is somewhat subpar).