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As a former West Oaklandian(?), this is a neat story

A lot of those old browser games were fucking excellent, though, and would still hold up great if Flash hadn’t been killed. The games that keep getting cloned for years are those built around strong core elements that keep hooking people.

While i shudder to think how many volume one piece will be (currently at 101, speculated will end at at 130~150 considering possibly only 2~3 arc left)

Calling losers losers isn’t slander.  In fact, calling non-losers losers isn’t slander.  But these guys are definitely losers.

But maybe if we shame NFT guys they’ll stop sooner.

Marshala Ali:  Cottonmouth, Prowler, and Blade. 

It’s not slander when it’s true.

Has anyone else done that apart from Patton Oswald? He has his Agents of Shield character, MODOK and his Eternals post credits character.

You’re being way too nice to a guy who seems to think that buying a copy of a book means that he owns the rights to the book.

Buckle up, losers. I’m gonna kick you some more.

You should sell them an nft of this article.

I thought this was the dumbest thing I’d ever heard BUT THEN I get to the part about the thing already being scanned and online, the only part of the plan they could’ve possibly actually carried out.

I have no idea whether it’s the case here, but collusive bidding and other forms of corruption are endemic in the art world. Sometimes two or more parties will jointly arrange their bids to inflate the price, either to leave an unaware third-party holding the bag, or to inflate a market in general. Other times, the

Like holy shit this is dumb. This is so fucking dumb.

And the idea that they think they’re doing a public service...is just peak now.

Capitalism is gonna kill us all, and I’m hoping I’m dead long before it gets really, really bad.

As long as at least one universe is drawn in the depressing-as-fuck Soviet style from the 80s, I’m in.

‘NFTs are just beanie babies for people who get mad whenever there are black people in Star Wars movies’.

Oscar Isaac going for the hat trick on Marvel characters (Apocalypse, Moon Knight, and Spider-Man 2099).  

It’s not like I needed more reasons to be excited for this sequel but oh boy does he make me more excited for this sequel.

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Wild that in all this talk about animation there’s still no mention of the director shift to Joaquim Dos Santos, the guy responsible for this: