@Gabryl Kaine: My favorite quotation ever, from one of my favorite novels. Gaiman is a genius.
@Gabryl Kaine: My favorite quotation ever, from one of my favorite novels. Gaiman is a genius.
@Sakurafire: This is my favorite video on the internet, bar none.
Jesus Christ those arms are enormous. Muscly Hawtness!
@EdificeComplex: I love the building that they're doing for the 2012 Olympics.
@Arken: What!?!?! You're not allowed to have a different opinion than me! And on the internet, no less! Madness!!
@Arken: Ha! Second attempt: Successful!
@Arken: Some of his stuff is fantastic. I especially love this tower that's going up in lower Manhattan. This is just a render, but it's almost complete.
@The_Geb: It was even better when my apparently twelve-year-old mind read the text as "Captain America! I command you to WANK!".
@Rondogg: Approximately this efficient?
Those are the sexiest things I have seen on the internet today. They exude bad-assery.
@omgwtflolbbqbye: Seconded! And/or a place to purchase these beauties. My dorm room will be glorious.
@omgwtflolbbqbye: That 3 minute short is 100 times better than the entirety of X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
@Meander061: Ha! Depending on why one is reading the comic, I'm sure that it could be quite a good thing. In my case, not so much.
@Illundiel: Debatable, but continued anger is a bit pointless.
@MichaelWalsh: Too true.
@Limeade: Seconded. But now I'm laughing at the mental image of Wolverine, Beast, Collossus and Cyclops with their mouths hanging open all sexy-like.
@khrysavek: I didn't until my librarian friend casually mentioned them to me one day. I practically knocked over bookshelves on my way to the YA section.
@Eridani: Guh, that's pretty gross. Several of my friends are geeky ladies, so I sometimes forget how much of a sausage-fest fandoms can be.
@HidingInCanada: The first sequel/companion (The Gathering Blue) doesn't deal with him, but with a small village elsewhere in the same world. Instead of being part of the crazy totalitarian government, it's reverted to Medieval level society.