
I know! They could do several of these shows, and have them all operate within a shared universe! They'll be a smash hit with audiences, critically acclaimed even. They can get some of the best, most popular writers in the industry to shape these shows into the best stories they can be!

#2, #4, and #7 are my favorites, for sure. The detail work in #7 especially is fantastic!

These are quite beautiful.

I like him. I'll take two, please.

@Anrkist: It's not so bad, really. Sure there's the uncontrollable hate and fear directed at you from all sides, but you get to be sassy.

@Arken: @ManchuCandidate: Fascinating, especially seeing as the newer series seems to dabble in loads of other mysticism.

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: Oh my Gods the Left Behind novels were terrible. I tried to read them once, as I thought that stories set during the Christian End of Days sounded intriguing, but the writing was god-awful. Couldn't even make it through the 3rd.

@mkirkland: Battlestar Galactica is Mormon? I only saw some of the 2005 miniseries, so I wouldn't know.

@ShaughnTr0n: Nah, V-Neck bashing is perfectly fine. But throwing out lines like Too much questionable sexuality" is quite uncool, whether you meant it badly or not.

@ShaughnTr0n: So "Ew, Gay people" is what we're going with then? Asshole.

Huzzah for Felicia!