@Gimmi Mørgäikkönën: Awww
@Gimmi Mørgäikkönën: Awww
@Neural_Net: What a fucking retarded comment.
@A Small Turnip: Cute comment!
@Understater: FAIL.
@Rah_power: But Firefly does need to be back on TV, so that I can watch it on the internet!
@RaskolnikovFeltSick: Wow, just... wow.
@Norton: I see no hyperbole in the first post. You guys are coming off as completely humorless, what with your rantings and name-callings and such.
@Federov: I am, and I don't believe that it applies. I don't care whether you all fing Glee to be unfunny trash, whether you love it, or whether you believe that it descriminates.
@greeneyedfem: Disagreeing with and being offended about how a show presents its cast and its storyline is one thing. The dickish, self-absorbed put downs and inability to understand sarcasm point to a definite lack of humor.
@voteforme: Yes, and I'm quite sure it has something to do with the fact that you're all on your periods/haven't got laid in forever/are lesbians too.
Jesus. These comments confirm what I have long suspected: Most Jezzies have absoluteley no sense of humor.
@Sukie: It really just depends on what age you are/your personal preferences. I'm only 19, and me and most of my classmates would probably put U2 in the classic rock column, although I know one girl (20) who would probably murder me if I suggested it. Then again, she deejays at a radio station.
@knightgee: Thank you for saying something eloquent and reasonable. I'm kinda freaked out how so many people are so quick to jump on this show, tear it to pieces, and insult/belittle the people who enjoy it.
@DlyLtts: Thr s Scrt Cncl f Th Gys, nd w knd thnk y'r btch. Srsly, gt vr yrslf.