Little Animal

I’m done with online dating. Like. Done done. In three months, I have had dates with two people with a history of domestic violence, one with a wife, and the least offensive one had visible ear wax. Very sweet, but it grossed me out. Before making it to a date, I have been cussed out numerous times, asked multiple

When I look in the mirror, I am going to declare myself “well-loved.” #notjustforcats

$1.57 a pound ain’t a bad deal for some unconditional apathy!

I didn’t know this was a thing until just now. I googled, viewed some articles, and.... I don’t get it. I’m hashtag blessed I guess.

You are extra salty today. I like it!

My sweet little surrogate internet angel. I’m legit crying. She has grown so much! I am so happy for both of you. ❤️


I am so wearing my best ball gown on Sunday. I will be in a hotel room with my coworker on a work trip and she can isn’t a fan and it will prob be awkward, but this is my life.

I appreciate your dedication to investigative journalism. I can’t imagine how many rags you had to flip through for all of these extraordinary quotes.

My mom was a freshly born again Christian. Many of my magazines, CDs, and books perished by fire during that time. She went full-on for a year or two, but she found a balance and is not overzealous anymore.

True story: I knew one that was not. I hated him and I love all animals.

I want a man that would sleep on a porch for his dog. *adds that to list*

My hoo-ha likes to be well-dressed. Stop trying to oppress me!!!!!

I was obsessed with Bush and Gavin Rossdale as a teenager. I also had a YM subscription. My mom would read them before giving them to me to make sure they were “appropriate”. The Gavin Rossdale one apparently was not appropriate because it went in the trash. She wouldn’t even let me keep the cover for my notebook. I

Right? I am nearly dying from second-hand embarrassment. There’s no way I could live through posting my own “poetry”.

That it could have escalated and no one may have called, like her coworkers did? That she witnessed a violent domestic dispute and was shocked by the inaction of the people around her? The sharing of similar experiences is what happens here in the comment section.


Nope, no gifts. Just another reason to celebrate a new baby. Usually, someone outside of the couple knows the gender of the baby first and throws the party. The parents find out the gender at the same time as their family and friends. I think people being excited about their babies and finding any reason to celebrate