Little Animal

I was really pissed that they reported he was found near a little league field. He didn’t damage enough children while he was alive, he had to do it in death too. Good riddance.

I really want to read this post, but I’m winning Google rewards every time I try. (Do I have a virus??)

I want a Bruno Mars.

I love him. If I’m having a bad day, I watch him and my heart just fills with joy.

I breastfed my kiddo for two years as a single mom. I put him in the bed with me and slept topless. I would sleep on my side and he would self-latch when he woke up and nurse back to sleep. It was the only way I could keep up. I was exhausted, but determined to breastfeed for as long as I could. It worked.

I disagree about boredom. I think people are so desperate for attention. But yes, it really speaks volumes about where we are. I think I need to hibernate. All this ridiculous incoming information is making me have chronic headaches and crankiness.

Nope. Not here. When you make a movie ten years ago, you are never allowed to change your mind. You never grow, you never change your stance. You’re just a blatant hypocrite.

I Googled and now I’m so full of disappointment.

Wait, what??!! Tell me it isn’t true!

If it was up to me, I would name everyone Bianca. It’s my favorite girl’s name.

Thank you!

This is so me!! I will wash dishes daily for a week. Those pots and pans are going to sit there and pile up until the world ends though.

I’m working on a baby quilt. I have been working on this quilt and making very slooowww progress. Here’s hoping it gets finished before baby arrives.

My mentor keeps sending my job openings for things that are like my dream job. The best part though? I’ve realized I am satisfied with my life right now and don’t even want to peruse them. After years of trying to find my happy spot, I think I finally have!

Look girl, no one here wants to see Don Jr! We wanna see those perfect boobs!!! No, but seriously congrats and I’m glad you love them!!

This killed me. And yes. He could walk through my walls!

I volunteer for a FishMan threesome. Ya know, for science.

Can we be mom friends? Baby Animal and I have our tickets for Thursday as well. We are so excited!

Team Aniston forever.

Guess who’s on their way to Target to dress up like the third sister?!