Little Animal

I think Chyna needs to give lessons on whatever it is she’s doing to get all these men so stupid about her. I’d pay to know those secrets!

My favorite Greek place is family owned. They have a little room to the side with a curtain covering the doorway. There is a couch and a TV and toys in there where their kids hang out. After my son finishes eating, he goes and hangs out with their kids in the “kid room.” Never saw a butthole there. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

I just made the most obnoxious half-squeal/half laugh. What a beautiful comment.

Would highly recommend always going to the bathroom. Even if there isn’t a changing table, you can carry a changing matt in your diaper bag to be able to lay Baby on it on the bathroom floor without being on the actual floor.

I love it too. I think I’m supposed to be ashamed, but nah. I’m just gonna enjoy it.

That’s the one that gets me. Nobody here is asking for perfection. We are asking for a tiny shred of decency. The bar is so low, you should be tripping over it.

Every man wants a successful intelligent woman until they realize the reason we are successful is because we won’t put up with bullshit.

Sorry! 😬

Want to really get freaked out? I had waist length curly hair at that point in my life. The reason I took them out was because I was washing my hair in be shower. I flung my hair over my shoulder to my back to rinse it and....the curls had wrapped around my left nipple piercing. Ripped that shit almost completely out.

I can do that too!! It’s been about 12 years since I removed my nipple piercings and every week or so, I have to squeeze the goo out. My old belly button piercing scar/hole swells up about every eighteen months and I push a goo ball about the size of an English pea out. I love-hate it. I’m one of those that likes

If you love your curls and your stylist is a curl hater, get ther a new stylist. That’s prob in the Bible. I am white and have natural curls. My stylist convinced me for years to wear a straightened angled bob. It looked good, but the maintenance was hell. I went to a Hispanic stylist by chance one day and she loved

Ain’t that the damn truth. I hate when I labor to make something delicious and I’m like “they’re going to love this!!” And then we sit down to eat and they might as well be eating a hamburger from McDonald’s. It does something to me. 😪


I LOVE BEING 32!! Thirty was good. Thirty-one was better. Thirty-two is best yet! My twenties were a shitshow and I feel so removed from them. I love getting older!!

I love their grown up music. I think they are terribly underrated, but they are coming off kinda dickish right now.

Missed opportunity!!
