I hope you get answers at the evaluation. You’ve been fighting this fight for a long time. Are you taking care of yourself? Are you holding up okay?
I hope you get answers at the evaluation. You’ve been fighting this fight for a long time. Are you taking care of yourself? Are you holding up okay?
Do you want to go to a baby shower for people you don’t know? I can see going to a house party where you didn’t know the host and there was going to be a keg and maybe some hot guys to hook up with; however, I cannot wrap my mind around buying a baby gift and playing those dumbass games and eating finger sandwiches…
Don’t frame it as desperate; say that you are actively looking. When I’ve dated, I just say “I’m at a place in my life where I’m ready for a partner!” Ain’t nothing wrong with that!
I hate it when that happens. I can’t bake when I’m in a funk or it all goes to hell. You should probably cook a package of bacon because then your house smells like bacon and you can also eat it.
If someone said this to me, I’d prob wanna be with them forever. Be still my heart!!
Ummm excuse me, but can you tell me where I can get that Amy plant? 😍
I am not a big make-up person, but my adult acne is being sassy and my lifelong undereye circles are getting worse. So after lurking this thread and some other beauty stuff in Jez, I headed to Sephora yesterday to get some NARS concealer. This woman swooped down on me like some kind of fairy godmother, picked out a…
I do love my trazodone when I need it! I went through a period of insomnia where I thought I was going to end up in a psych ward (not exaggerating). When I hallucinated the first time, I hauled ass to the doctor.
I am big on essential oils for sleep. A warm shower, fresh sheets, a sleep blend oil or just lavender mixed with soap on my loofah, then coconut oil + sleep essential oil on my feet, and getting off any type of screen one hour minimum before sleep. I’ll read instead. Oh! And shaving my legs! Something about smooth…
10/10 would crash my ship into rocks trying to cuddle
I just want to be extra crystal clear: this person is NOT my friend! Thanks!
I’m already over mermaids and they have barely started their hostile takeover. Unicorns I can ignore. Something about mermaids makes me fucking rage. And I know someone that is trying to be a professional mermaid. What the fuck is that even?!
Even as an adult, I hate scary movies, but I loved It and Pet Cemetery when I was a kid. You couldn’t get me to watch either of those now and I won’t be watching this either. I’m older and more afraid!!
I agree. It is such a great show and so well-acted. I, personally, even think Shailene is playing mysterious, on the edge, and wounded very well. That’s Jane’s while “thing” and it’s very believable.
It isn’t enough though!! I’m sure there are more people in the community that could die for a couple more seasons.
Me too! It is so good, but I couldn’t wait so I read the book. It only took me a couple of days, but I couldn’t wait to see what happened! The suspense was killing me. Now I feel like I understand the characters even better.
That is awful and I’m so sorry and people are terrible.
I just realized that I was in a wedding and was so stressed over that money, the thought of also purchasing a wedding gift never crossed my mind until now. They’ve already celebrated their one year anniversary. It is a dear friend and I was happy to be a part of it, but I was sweating the financial part.
I’m glad someone around here knows what’s up!!