Our Lady in Virginia

Folks, we have a winner!


O.o at the sister. She either knew about it or isn’t very bright.

Suri is one of them!

Harris for the win. Nothing is more vile than what he and his batshyt crazy wife did to those little girls.

A few years ago we had daffodils blooming in January. It’s not new anymore. Very handy to push climate denier’s faces into while screaming at them and calling them idiots. Pretty, but sad too. The daffodils, not the idiots.

This is where you file a religious discrimination law suit. She was practicing her religion, feeding a hungry child, and got fired. She was doing what Jesus would have done. Slam dunk win with a REAL case and not some BS gay hating whine. Please let some lawyer jump on this!!

I am so old fashioned, but my question is WHERE ARE HIS PARENTS? He is 12 and still doing this. What knd of punishment is he getting at home? In this case I would recommend mom and dad losing it and giving him a few good licks on the butt. I know violence is never the answer, but this is one I would make an exception

Cases like this are where kids need to have the right to sue judges when they turn 18. If the kids told the truth and the judge sends them back to dangerous conditions, the judge is to blame. The kids should not be with the father unless they want to be. Anything else is sick. Why do I smell the presence of F.E.R. in

Glad I never had enough money to waste on these products.

So now all European kids will be (say they are) 16. Do their adults understand how cunning and resourceful kids are on the interwebs?

They need to do more modern testing on the DNA evidence unless it’s been thrown out.

Look at some of their parents and teachers.

I don’t know what abstinence only promoters are thinking. What teen today doesn’t have access to internet sex everything? They should know more than us olds do, but some religious prudes think their special little snowflakes don’t have a clue? That is deluding yourself. They know the mechanics, just not the technique

Next year I will be in the same situation. I don’t look at it as a money issue but as a safety one. One call or text a week to let me know my child is alive is a courtesy to keep mommy from the deep end in the worry pool. Yes I know adult freedom. But what if we leave and don’t contact them? If they wouldn’t worry

No increase in flooding, droughts or tornadoes? Is he watching the Weather Channel for a different planet and not the earth?

Not illegal, just dangerous. They must be highly regulated or they might hurt themselves and others in their vicinity!!

FYI the bird skull bangle is already sold out. But the site has other cool stuff.

Brackish tidewater slander!

So how’s that abstinence only education program working out for us? Oh.