Our Lady in Virginia

They should do this AND make the little guys protected species. Spikey, so spikey....

I don’t get this trend. I spent years getting a flat yoga butt and I’m darned proud of it. A woman comedian once talked about some guy catcalling her on the street saying she ain’t got no butt, and she replied “ Really? Thank you!”. Well that’s me. Why would anyone want something which women have been trying for years

And the best bagels!! Who knew?

Shakes head, walks to voting booth. I won’t vote pro NRA no matter what party they are. Virginia is a yuuuuge part of the problem. You can load up at any gun show here with no background checks, hop on I95 and be selling to others all up and down the red East coast. And many do.

Lazy ass beavers all on disability? F’ing takers!

Yupper. They are supporting religious terrorists!

Fry them and fine them heavily. The loss of cash hurts those people more than being skinned alive. Plus they deserve it for being such whinners about women’s rights.

As a long time fan of all the Sherlock Holmes (from Basil Rathbone to Jeremy Brett, etc.) I must say that this is the coolest thing to occure so far this millennium. Brilliant!!!

The next article should be about all the wanna be ghost hunters using a ghost hunting app on their smart phone! Nothing is more frightening than to have a voice tell you MEAN MEAT FLOAT SNOW your first time using one alone in the dark.....

The table tipping and rapping thing were a British inventions. They still favor it over other options. They don’t seem to go modern like we do. Watch the show Most Haunted to see how they “communicate” with the dead and then look at American shows. We go all high tech while they want spirits to knock on stuff. It is

Go to your local deli and order a tongue sammich! What too soon?

More women die giving birth than those that get abortions. Labor and delivery are very hazardous to women’s health. Clean, professional abortions performed in sanitary settings are very safe. Facts. They burn!

So maybe he should stop allowing the import of said questionable makeup into our counrty? Ebay would implode, but our kids would be safe. Too early in the morning to make sense?

The aliens are already here.

With a death’s head from the flash? I hope that’s what that is. Any unexplained cabinet doors opening or TVs going on and off by themselves?

Autumn is the best season. Unless you don’t like the get off your butt and move message. Also pumpkins and Halloween.

I think you get an MIT scholarship for that.

This is a man who is jealous of his wife’s success. He’s got to show he’s the boss somehow.

If he showed no emotion upon hearing that he was found guilty, he should have no trouble living alone in a small cell away from everyone else for tge rest of his life. He isn’t going to get better. Let him stay in his own private Idaho.

What they don’t seem to get is the fact that if you are still alive and your children are still alive, you are resiliant and adaptive. Creating opportunities for people to get money themselves would be nice. You can’t go online without wifi, you can’t build a car without parts, you can’t get a job if no one is hiring,