Florida is pretty far from New Jersey.
Florida is pretty far from New Jersey.
Keep it up kids. Guns are not cool. They never were. Everybody VOTE out the NRA this November!
If you get caught out you go. They’re trying to run a respectable regime!
If you get caught out you go. They’re trying to run a respectable regime!
He may resent it, but the doors are still fact.
Parent, if you don’t like the fact that an actual evil creature is in charge of a big part of your children’s lives please vote. The sooner things like her are replaced with humans who want all kids to succeed the better. Goes for the entire GOP.
You’re not from the East Coast. They are a bonus when found. They do taste good even after getting roasted! Try them next time. Put one on top of a sushi roll and serve them to your friends while looking superior! Tasty and fancy.
Would get a bottle for collectibles value and one to see if they did anything to it taste wise. Lower alcohol content and less peat bog? Make it pink? Come on, real women drink Scotch and like it!
Glen Garioch here!
How to change that? Don’t buy items from online venfors who ship using Fedex and TELL THEM why. Ask if they can use a different shipper. Hitting these guys in the wallet is the only thing they care about. They don’t give a damn about human life.
Strangely silent is the Department of Education. No thoughts. No prayers. Nothing. Where’s the required statement saying how bad it would have been if an armed bear had been involved? Better think of something quick. The millenials are getting mobilized to save our country!
So how’s living under xtian sharia law feel now Murika? Will we have enough time to get all of this hot mess fixed after the party of crazy gets thrown out and before the next election? VOTE!!
JK - I remember when women were sacred. It was a man’s holy duty to beat them!
How about putting it in a dog park? It would replace fire hydrants. So very fitting.
I’m going to give my outside squirrel friends extra rations of sunflower seeds today. If you can kill a soft fuzzy critter you should not have one or have access to one in the first place. Question - was it in a little carrier or did she have it in her pocket?
What a feel good story to start the day with. Humans suck.
Because no one is effectively stopping them. It’s damn bad when we elevate a domestic abuser to a position of high power. Why should the average wife beater fear anything? Too many feel that an imaginary god created women from a man’s rib, making women bodily a man’s possession too. Manotheism has got to go.
Gamers use chopsticks to eat snacks while playing. Women do the same if they actually care.
Girls college in Virginia. Mascot? Gladys the squirrel.
The story was supposed to be released on April 1st not February 2nd. The Rodent Renaissance chips were the Groundhog Day release! Someone had one job.....