Our Lady in Virginia

I buy men’s razors because there’s no girl tax involved. Men’s tees and flannel shirts ditto. Unisex deodorant and toothpaste. I would never buy a snack targeting the female demographic. If you want to sprinkle glitter on your chips you go right ahead. That’s so dumb it’s insulting. It’s 2018 FFS, not 1818!!

If you can keep the total item cost and the cost of shipping under $15 there is no Vat tax for items bought from non EU countries.

Is there an import law on buying ibuprofen in bulk from US sellers? Shipping costs would be higher but you would still get some discount and the convenience is worth it.

Buy in bulk from the fine sellers on ebay. I buy bulk British tea from your country and have no problem with delivery, so why not feminine hygiene products? Are there import laws on bulk tampon purchases?  

Tampax is 8 per box. 3.00 here in Va at the dollar store. Store brands are the same product with different labeling at 1.85 per box. Someone in corporate is making a killing!

I bought my daughter a bunch of products in bulk off ebay. The cost was under $40 for 6 months. But if you don’t have access to ebay or the internet or $20 to drop all at once, you are out of luck.. Poverty sucks!!

Sunday go to meeting! Nothing says you love god more than camo and an armored assault vehicle in a church perking lot!!

My support guinea pig approves this decision.

Now it’s $50 off orders of $200 or more. Drat!

Now it’s $50 off orders of $200 or more. Drat!

I had SEVERAL maintenance men who would just come in. Their excuse was  that they were looking for leaks...in my living room! Their excuse was always “But I knocked first!” And their boss was dating the manager. He was pure evil. The worst guy left shortly after my daughter found him just walking in one day. He was

Now I can say “Me Too”.

Has anyone told you to stop trying? Just be yourself and do the things that you enjoy? Stop looking to connect and analyzing everyone else for potential. Be happy with yourself. You won’t get a good partner until you accept and enjoy you. And pitch the dating apps. Let a flesh and blood person find you.

Ours is a family of noggers. We love it.

You know it’s bad when they use a story like this as SQUIRREL!! Our normal diversions just can’t cut it anymore. Will fear of a potential alien invasion be the reason for the corporate tax cuts and why Medicaid and SSDI must be discontinued? We must eliminate CHIP to keep out interstellar invaders!

They look like the classic 70s Dingo boot with part of a sheepskin stuck inside.

I did that for my daughter when she went to college. Got a cute lil mace for myself too. You can really bling those cans out and accessorize with ‘em!

“My recovery from anti psychotics” is all you need to read to judge her a woo woo. Don’t make direct eye contact and back away slowly while chewing a stalk of energized kale.

Black Friday sales are for amateurs. I wait for the bigger after the holidays sales.

Brick and mortar retailers take note: Your sales will go up if you stop playing those hideous xmas songs. I stay away from stores at this time of year because there is no way to avoid Jinglebell Rock or Grandma got run over by a reindeer. Classic instumentals are nice. Everything else is fake and annoying. So of

I understand. We get into arguments about the correct ratio of pineapple to paw paw in our paw paw chiffon pie. It doesn’t come to blows unless we make persimmon date nut bread. Wild crafted baking can get violent!