Our Lady in Virginia

Maybe this is the giant meteor we were all asking for the past year?

Here’s a fun/infuriating fact: I was just reading at work today about a new study that found that lesbian and bisexual women have significantly higher risk of cardiovascular disease than straight women. So. Excellent timing, guys. Way to help worsen outcomes for queer women. You’re really doing God’s work, you

Sorry kids, but the adults have hopelessly, utterly failed you. In addition to collecting blood money on your deaths from the NRA, they’ve fucked the planet six times over, and they are old enough to die before the real, devastating consequences reach them - and you are young enough to reach adulthood right as they

Seriously, Congress. Take a step. A small step. Any step.

“ABC News reports that the bipartisan measure, the STOP School Violence Act, will inject $50 million in federal grants administered by the Department of Justice to “fund training and other initiatives intended to enhance school safety,” and to add “metal detectors, stronger locks, and emergency notification and

Republicans resent facts, period.

If you have to split hairs on what type of private plane you are taking, the facts are most definitely not on your side.

I mean, Zinke is absolutely the type to go apeshit when someone refers to a detachable bullet holder as a “clip” instead of a “magazine”. So... at least he’s staying in character?

So he resents the fact that the facts make him look bad?

It is an injustice to paint these parents in any other light than grieving fucking parents.

Dr. Jart is magic. I have super sensitive, dry skin, as well as rosacea and it is the only thing that can calm down my redness. I feel like it actually heals my skin. I layer it with extra sunscreen if I am going to be outside more than 10 minutes at a time.

Is it okay if I actually drink one that tastes good though?

“Scotch as a category is seen as particularly intimidating by women,”

Like all products marketed to women, I assume this will be half as good as the men’s but cost 50% more.

this will go down smoothly with my lady doritos.

have confirmed that they will continue to offer NRA perks or have declined to comment

I’d like the mainstream media to stop referring to the NRA as a “gun rights advocacy group” and start referring to it more accurately as a “gun manufacturer’s lobbyist organization”.

Oh what a fucking twat.

Omg teens are so rude and I love them for it.