
Wes Anderson, Judd Apatow, Noah Baumbach, Michael Bay, Barbara Broccoli, James Cameron, Sofia Coppola, Alfonso Cuarón, Lee Daniels, Clint Eastwood, Paul Feig, Greta Gerwig, Barry Jenkins, Patty Jenkins, Rian Johnson, Adam McKay, Christopher Nolan, Martin Scorsese, Zack Snyder, Denis Villeneuve, Taika Waititi,

Fuck you.  Fuck you.

Good for you.

I can’t believe we live in a world where stating a biological and genetic reality that in order for a homo sapien to menstruate and give birth they have to have a functioning uterus is considered hate speech and offensive. 

Wow, an AVClub where everyone loses: Sam Barsanti is an insufferable, unimaginative clickbaiting twat; JK Rowling is a bizarrely committed transphobic bigot, and Eddie Redmayne is a dimwitted, terrible actor whose views aren’t worth a cup of warm piss. Trifecta, everyone.

Perhaps you're not accustomed to Barsanti's "snark first and ask questions later" approach to writing?

This is what trying to please everyone gets you. Humoring the irretrievably addled just isn’t worth it.

Apparently not a huge amount of personal disappointments since playing at the Oscars was “the most traumatizing” thus far.

Ordinarily I’d be all about someone calling out the Oscars’ bullshit, but this just reeks of an edgelord emo teen screaming in your face “Look how much I keep it real with how dark and edgy I am! LOVE ME!”

Does HBO pay AVC to do a weekly recap of this show? The show’s fine and all, but it’s weird they have a write-up every Monday morning fawning over it.

Pick an article and don’t comment on it.  Just try for once.

how DARE you say the voice was okay

Yes - it’s terrible. We’re now casting for race not talent. It’s an affront to art. Pandering to the lowest common denominator of millennial triggeredness 

America’s decent into infinite stupidity is complete. I guess Krusty needs to be voiced by a Jewish person now. Idiotic fake wokeness at its worst.

Thats unfortunate. Lenny had a great voice and so did Hibbard. Decisions like these are bad for the entertainment industry as a whole.

But will the scripts be authentic to the Black experience?

Aren’t you Mr. Pedantic. Yes, there was a completed cut, that is what Snyder showed Warner Media that got it released. In the process of filmmaking, directors will usually do reshoots or in the case of what Snyder is doing, additional photography to help fill certain blanks in the edits. When Snyder left JL, he was in

So what?

Has AV club hit 100 stories about the Snyder Cut yet?  Is this the most covered story by AV Club or is the Star Wars culture wars still 1? 

Why couldn’t you have written that in your first comment, rather than being a tool right out of the gate?