
"Let's take pictures of our butts." - Two adult women

That woop was certainly shooped.

Wow, doesn't she have people to Photoshop her stupid pictures for her? You know, she could choose to own her body and accept her already-nice proportions an curves. Instead she pulls this ridiculous shit to try and make it look like she has a 23 inch waist. I'm dying to hear from someone who's met her in real life.

That is not feminism. Not even radical feminism.

I think they are just upset that Robot Cat apparently has stolen their actual Christmas present, which is the cardboard box.

Nom. Or noms, or om noms, or whatever the fuck these perky, cutesy food blogging idiots say. Also - yummy and tummy. You're not fucking four. And add amazeballs to this list too.

I'm white and I want to tag this shit #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen

Seems to me she cancelled when people rightfully called out the bullshit, not when she found out, since she mentioned wanting the site itself to become a "participant" in the conference.

My parents came to visit me in the UK this summer for the whole summer. I bought them some cell phones, got them each a set of keys and let them go on their way. We did do stuff together, but I couldn't take three months off work to accommodate them. They love doing stuff on their own and my dad was thrilled to take

To the third letter writer: try dialing 211. In some cities it will connect you with your nearest United Way office, and they are usually excellent at connecting people with the local resources available. I found the best therapist I ever had through them.

Let's not pussyfoot around. If it leaves them worse off, you're definitely not doing a good thing for them. So what?

But there is a big difference between voicing your point of view from your perspective and completely discouraging someone from their goals because YOU believe they will fail. It's not a constructive opinion or suggestion, it's someone completely burying another person in their perceptions and negativity.


1) You do not have a right to be the star of your own nationally-syndicated television show. That is a huge, huge privilege that is bestowed upon a very, very small amount of people in the entire nation. It's ok to have standards, like, must be competent, and must not be a horrible person.

The good news is that I can go back to ignoring the existence of Duck Dynasty like I had been doing for...however long it has been on.

Pigeons have the best thigh gaps.

What part of the body is this on? Because if it's right below some stretch marks this person gets a high five from me.

Would people stop referring to Romeo and Juliet as a romance?

Jennifer, the correct question is why are we regulating cigarettes and sex and cuss words in the first place?