
So don’t. Make YOUR choice staying in to eat.

I clearly missed the part where the service industry voted you in as their spokesperson. My bad for not paying attention!

Painting with a pretty wide and smidge ignorant brush, Hoss. 

Warren: raises her hand to speak

She even defended Klobuchar against Pete because she knows Amy isn’t a real threat, it makes Warren appear like more of a ‘unity’ candidate and Warren will hope for her support when Amy drops out.“

You spelled “nothing new here” incorrectly.

These are the same people who treated Ted Kennedy’s death like some fucking national tragedy.

Late to the party...

Thread about tips on being smarter with finances: 9 comments in 24 hours

This sounds like something out of a Tony Robbins seminar.

REALLY late to the party, but..

Your fcats are sadly inaccurate.

You “Christians” who, without fail, ooze out of the woodwork whenever it comes to others’ choices/opinions regarding forgiveness, need to have a pew full of seats.

White kid pulls this shit: “we really need to examine the (mainly invisible) macro/micro-aggressions that out society has implemented that lead to this kind of behavior, and then make sure this poor child has therapy, and their entire home/social/economical situation gone through to make sure we’re giving this White

At this point I just hope we (including the candidates**) don’t eat our own.


bEcAUsE I hAd tO dO iT!¡!¡

And why Snape was a complete mindf*ck

Duck tape remote to child’s hand.

Because if you have revolving credit, you’re more likely to be paying interest.