
Can we introduce a wider array of flagging options?

The picture of him and the amazing look on that little girl’s face.

I was disappointed too.

This seems..very likely. 

Any dude managing to slip in that he’s watching his money grow ..ViA INveStMEnTs, you guys!

98% of these bumper stickers belong to white women who “don’t see color” and have a token collection of oppressed religions/races to prove they are One of the Good Ones©️®️

This clip is a cornerstone for my mental health.

That’s some quality inbreeding right there. 

We forgot

There should be some sort of clean barrier between the employee’s nasty ass hands and your food, ie gloves, deli tissue, or some other utensil”

Oh, this was definitely my bad.

If I saw a racist post, you could be damn sure I’d get s screenshot of that before it was taken down.

When they go low”...

Aaaaaand this is what my dumb-ass gets for not reading the comments, thus thinking I had a Hot Take

Have we discussed the Kim K calling her new line of shapewear Kimono?

Dear fellow white people :

George Takei saying this, while using a Harry Potter-esq comparison is a nugget of wonderful, wrapped in a swath of hilarious, and tied with a big bow of truth.

Hell no.

“...puts two in the sky for Tupac...”