Pshhhh “60 seconds”
Pshhhh “60 seconds”
Although I wasn’t a fan of this show, I’m glad you wrote this piece, Maiysha.
This is the show where an entire episode revolved around one of the actresses “finally(!)” taking a dump at her boyfriend’s house, right?
I for one, look forward to this insightful ruralian’s new book “Proper Court Hearing Dress and Etiquette”... By White Travis.
YES! Thank you x173,627
Ah, humanity..
I call both. Most white people love to broadcast their “wokeness” to the largest group of people they can possibly find an or create.
This is fucking spot-on. Not only in this particular situation but in a wide variety of situations where white people share spaces with POC. We as a whole (per usual), don’t want to take responsibility for our feelings of discomfort..much less look at WHY they exist, so we attempt to pawn off the undesirable “thing”.
This comment..
So, what are *you* doing to change?
I can cosign this 100% via firsthand knowledge.
I laughed for at least a solid 3 minutes at this.
The reasoning in here is spot-on.
Cue the “Ambien/Other Pharmaceutical addiction I was too ashamed to talk about” nonsense that absconds her from every vile word she’s spewed from her hatehole.
I’m a white woman and I get/understand his sentement.
doesn’t include...bland questions like “How’s it going?”
This needs the mayo and yogurt removed, a dose of horseradish cream and a bit of olive oil to cover, and pepper is a damn requirement, not just for looks. I also like antifaz’s upping the game with mustard/mustard powder.