bish plz......everyone knows “mothers little helper” was Diazepam (Valium).
bish plz......everyone knows “mothers little helper” was Diazepam (Valium).
Just ordered. All boy-short type solutions roll up my thighs in gangrene-inducing bands of death once I’m a block away from home, so maybe this will do the trick.
Body Glide is really, really good. When I was running distance a lot in the past, I used it for thighs and also for blister prevention, to stop sports bra from rubbing. It lasts a really long time. It’s worth the money. BUT, nothing beats the Undersummers for just knowing that there will be no chafing. Also, in my air…
Anti-Monkey Butt. Etiher for “men” (yellow container, white powder, kinda menthol-y scent) or “lady” (pink container, pink powder, no menthol-y scent — supposedly a floral? but not much smell at all).
Body Glide is the only thing that truly works although I’m ok with the bicycle short style apparel thing too personally. The texture of Body Glide is so strange. When you apply it, it feels like it’s going to increase the friction because it’s sort of, I don’t know, tacky? Not smooth anyway. But it works. It’s not…
I swear by Body Glide, and my sister swears by Ruby’s Lube (which is a little more expensive). Either way, a good anti-chafe balm is 100% necessary and a total lifesaver.
At least my thighs clap for me when I run down stairs.
Seconding Body Glide. Worth every penny. I also use it on my feet to avoid blisters.
If police officers were smart, and if they were willing and able to respect people’s civil rights, they’d always welcome cameras while doing their jobs. Any cop who tells people to stop recording them is a cop who considers it at least possible (if not probable) that s/he is going to do something of which s/he doesn’t…
The cops SHOULD start arresting people for making these calls. It’s racism, it’s harassment, and it wastes the time of the cops. (That’s our tax dollars being wasted.) I know there are laws against frivolous use of emergency services....why aren’t they enforced?
Maybe this is what pumpkin spice withdrawal looks like.
My God. Give these White women back their opiods. Hell, put it in their lattes and brewed teas. They are cutting the eff up without it.
Omg, this, fucking this is what is needed from cops, people minding their own business and shutting the fuck up. I am glad they told that fucking lady what is what, people are tired of that shit and need to make them shut ins so they never come out of their caves again.
Nice post, but you overlooked the dumbest thing about it: three in five millennials think bar soap is “covered in germs” after use. ‘Cos they apparently slept through biology class that day:
Ugh - really annoying that United are going with ten across seating on the 777. I used to arrange my routing to NZ and Australia to fly on the 777 rather than the 787 because the seats were larger and better spaced, even though in other aspects the 787 is the better plane.
some people actually enjoy flying. the view is the best part of it. invest in an eye mask or relearn experiencing wonder.
Other key points on sunscreen: 1 of you’re going to be near water, user something that is reef safe. Cheap sunscreen tends to use chemicals that kill fish and other reef organisms. 2 the aerosol stuff is absolute crap and should never be used, ever.
I highly recommend SPFVampire. Seems to work well for me.
My big thing now is how Ant-Man and the Wasp factors into all this. Does it take place before, during or after IW? Ugh the near year is gonna be long.