
Wrist check? Check. Image verified as real.

Tbf, at least insofar as the crazy denim tshirt sleeves with bare chest look, if someone told me “it was the 80s” I’d totally accept that.

I can’t be alone that I immediately checked the Coke logo on this one, right?

Most have had enough but they fall into (at least) 4 camps of understanding:

Despite absolutely massive bombing campaigns, no war has ever been won by air power alone.

I’ve really had just about enough of late-stage capitalism – I wish more people felt the same. 

This would simplify the process of deciding where to eat.

It’s stark how good your science content is on this site to some of the others. great stuff.

Translating the suit, esp the full face mask, to live action would be tricky. Imo I feel bats needs a moratorium and DC should take risks with their b and c listers. (See Legends of Tomorrow)

Isn’t the consensus that this is an intentional choice? It’s a fictional alternate reality, close to but not exactly the same as ours. So the film can touch upon realistic ideas while at the same time not explicitly making either “side” the bad guys. You know what I mean?

IMO the idea of dark matter has always seemed very much like the days before Relativity, when physicists could only explain the universe using only Newtonian physics. In “The Hunt for Vulcan” a history of that period by Thomas Levenson, physicists had to invent an unseen, massive, rocky planet (Vulcan) inside

They need to simulate Martian gravity to evaluate the most important aspect to surviving on that planet. This project is useful no doubt to evaluate isolation psychologically but not the kind of isolation physically that’s going to happen in the habitat on Mars.

Their budget might not have stretched to datings of multiple samples. This publication is bound to bring in more grant money, maybe they’ll nail down the date then.

It’s like right-wing Star Trek fans. Some people just have zero media literacy.

Looks more like it’s a threat to the stock footage industry than to the film industry.

Yes, but can it make a burrito so hot, that even God can’t eat it?

I don’t remember where I first heard this, but it’s stuck with me:

aaaand the first thing they do is take shelter in an overpass. 1) THE most cliche thing possible and 2) Wasn’t that scientifically shown to be one of the WORST things you can do?

Somebody get that seal a beer!

I spent the last couple of days testing out the limits of Gemini and I’m not impressed. I don’t know what people are talking to it about where they think it sounds “human” because it’s probably the most AI-y one yet. Bard had finally gotten to the point where it could have a kind-of-casual conversation, but Gemini is