
But the records only go back to 1978, when the Hall of Records was mysteriously blown away.

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Hamish Linklater’s voice sounds a lot better in this trailer than it did in the cast announcement video that debuted last week.

I hope they work out. There was a GLP-1 drug recently that failed in testing - it did have a strong weight loss effect, but the gastrointestinal effects were too unpleasant for the takers to stay on it.

New drugs don’t drive down the price of a class of drugs. They all just sell them all for the same price. They maybe even collude to do so, but proving that is hard. Once two or three go generic, the prices will come down to compete with the generics. But prior to patents expiring, the manufacturers jack up prices in

It’s like your new here and haven’t read any of Ed’s writing.  He’s easily the best science writer on the site, and I am not damning with faint praise.

Agree about the Gorn in SNW, not just because they’re portrayed as generic villains but also for the reactions that the Enterprise crew has to them. That last episode they were absolutely blood thirsty to kill some Gorn, which just isn’t Trek.

I tape my mouth shut with gentle surgical tape every night. Results: pulse oximeter shows higher O2 levels, my 8sleep reports way less snoring (usually none), my wife says I snore a lot less often, and my throat is almost never sore in the morning. 100% this works for me.

Oh yeah, it’s the wine I’m drinking that’s the cause of my cardiac stress on flights!?
Sure, Jan!?

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disney all like “the narrative must change”

its sus to not even mention the video that put the star wars hotel in this weeks zeitgeist in the first place

Yeah, nothing wrong with a contrarian take. But giving context as to WHY this article was written would have been nice.

This is just bringing to mind how in the not-even-acknowledged-here-except-for-the-comments-section video, there’s a discussion about the pressure that exists for media publications/reviewers to stay on Disney’s good side if they want to keep getting media access to stuff.

I’m not gonna accuse you of being paid like many others have... but yeah, the fact that this article is published right now, seemingly out of the blue, is sus as all get out.

It’s my understanding that Star Trek: The Experience in Vegas was supposed to be exactly that, and only changed when someone realized that if it failed, there’d be a huge Enterprise-shaped monument to its failure left behind. Personally I still think that’d be great, but impractical to engineer an actual replica as a

The failure wasn’t in “no one understood that it wasn’t a hotel,” the failure was the insane pricetag that excluded 99.99% of the population just to get in the door to find out it wasn’t a hotel. I actually find it hard to believe that anyone who would’ve stayed there at that pricetag A) missed the marketing that the

This article frankly reads as a Disney-funded PR damage control.

More like the Turd Reich.

This is a very good idea. Because there is no erosion on the moon to wear the edges down, regolith is notoriously sharp and abrasive. During the Apollo missions, the dust actually ate through boots and vacuum seals. Any way to minimize stirring it up and lessening contact with equipment is a big plus.

Is there a chance the track could bend?

I mean, it has to be the leading contender of all the theories.