
There seems to be some confusion among the commentariat. Perhaps clarification is needed

When doing a peer review, you’re typically asked about the figures.

And who among us hasn’t owned a denim vest where the button holes don’t match the buttons?

Obviously the wall was built to keep Neolithic crab people away.

I assumed he meant the big choreographed dance number we’re all going to do on his grave. Definitely need more practice if we want to get the rhythm down...

Executive orders and dictatorial fiats are not the same thing, no one is making that claim in the article, so let’s not pretend otherwise. EOs are still subject to law and review and can be overturned by the courts if deemed unconstitutional. By definition, whatever a dictator says becomes the law.

The other issue with “turning off” a geoengineering scheme is how the climate would respond. I am mostly opposed to geoengineering since these ideas don’t solve the underlying issue but instead only amerlioriate the symptoms. Humans are warming the climate, if we make the world comfortable for us despite the increased

My assumption is that this might not be as effective as one might think and may lead to other unintended consequences.

I believe that the warmer ocean waters are the dominant factor driving the melt of the Antarctic ice sheets. Lowering the amount of incoming solar energy over Antarctica would likely lower local

Yes it is. But since comets haven’t struck the Earth in any manner we can confidently identify and sample, we don’t have any comet material for comparison. And since we haven’t brought material back to Earth from Mars yet (or any other celestial body for that matter), the sources of directly sampled extraterrestrial

*Also, profile pics are gone now?

Any comments on what they plan on doing to the samples? I assume XRF/XRD, ICP-MS, but I’m sure they have more plans. Relatedly do we have other reasonable meteorite fragments for comparison? It would be really interesting to determine the geologic homogeneity/heterogeneity of the inner solar system.

“Safe, legal, and rare” is a “safe” but ultimately meaningless way for people who support reproductive rights to discuss the topic around those who do not. Hillary Clinton supported Roe, Haley did not. Haley has stated that Republicans need to be realistic about what abortion policies they can pass, which is true. But

Far right Republicans only see Haley as an establishment politician with very hawkish foreign policy positions.*

So... If I understand this review, the printer is a niche device that is not cheap ($130 may not break the bank, but it’s not nothing), takes expensive paper, is finicky, prone to over heating (which will likely get worse as it ages), and yields inconsistent results.

Eh... Teleported pizza never tastes right to me. I think it’s becuase the glutamuc acid mecules in the marinara sauce don’t recombine appropriately or something, so the pizza ends up tasting kinda bland. Worm hole deliveries on the other hand... Yeah, the delivery charges tend to be a bit higher, but the flavors and

Makes sense. From what I hear, Trappist is the Kentucky of Aquarius. So, like likes like.

Meanwhile, the odds that humans will cause humanity’s extinction are at least 90%.

A war between the Earth AND the Moon? Oooo. That’s good. Smart money would be on the Earth since it’s got mass and volcanoes and shit, but the moon is lighter, more maneuverable, and has that eclipse move where it literally vanishes from the sky like a ninja. Though it can be a bit predictable at times.

It would be a

Probably becuase it’s subversive. Adult-themed content, such as horror and pornography, is effectively the antipode to kid-friendly material. Porn, though common, doesn’t have the same market visibility as horror does. Therefore, if you want to cash in on a popular property with a subversive snicker, you make a

So, Jezebel is no longer the property of G/O Media, but I guess slideshows are here to stay?