
Unfortunately, it doesn’t help that, at a fundraiser this week, he said, “I’m a practicing Catholic. I don’t want abortion on demand, but I thought Roe v. Wade was right.”

It’s also hard to grasp how Biden will really run on abortion when he avoids saying the word and, by his own admission, doesn’t like it.

Realistically, any EO he signs is going to take at least an hour before the courts slap it down with an injunction. Imagine how much damage Trump’s cult could cause in an hour before the judicial system kicks into gear? “Well, the White House said that it was legal for me to kill non-white, non-Christians so I did.”

Those people haven’t gotten their miniature American flags in years.

The movies are well done and enjoyable to watch even though the logic of all of it doesn’t exact work.

I mean ... who doesn’t think they could do some good with dictator for a day powers?

I really enjoyed the first film overall despite some logistical questions, but I never saw the sequel because, as I recall, it came out just before or during the pandemic.

Steve Jobs just doubled-over in his grave.

If they kill the cat I will not be happy.

Lou Albano walked so Bob Hoskins could fly

Leifeld is moving on from Deadpool you say, those are some might small shoes to fill for whoever steps up next.

As one of few Trek fans who was not in love with Season 3, I felt much of it played out like a back door pilot to another show and largely, that decision was detrimental to the plot, regardless of how nice it was to see the old gang back together on the bridge, etc.

The FCC says it will provide new tools to state AGs across the country to go after bad actors behind the nefarious robocalls.

Here is a real innovative thought: require the phone companies to develop systems to block robocalls altogether.  Yes, they do have the money to do it without risking their precious bottom lines.

Certainly valid questions. The scenario I see geoengineering solving is mitigation of catastrophic consequences rather than ‘permission’ to continue. But how you draw that line is obviously the issue.

One might THINK that these were only thought exercises...

Now give me a solar system wide radio telescope array. That’s some real fucking science fiction type science.

“Other than that, Mr. Verma, how was the flight?”

I’m on my way to blow up the plane (with farts)" would have landed better.

pfft, big deal. Once you can drink three martinis at lunch and still work the afternoon, then you can have my job tinman! Until then get off my lawn.