
Just No. Do not support more of the “market places” where you subscribe to useless tech and pay monthly fees. We as a society need to move away from this model in favor of 1 time purchase or open source (free). Consumers keep getting screwed and the rich just get richer while putting out garbage content.

We need all join Nikki in eradicating mental health for good!

The Orville season 3 metaphorically had the Borg join the Federation.

I’d have to pass. One of the biggest reasons why the Picard of the new series is only vaguely recognizable as the Picard from TNG was… Patrick Stewart. He dictated the terms of his return and what they could not do with the character. Avoiding retreading the storytelling you did for years is understandable, but if you

It’s probably solar system wide in the same way the current World Series is world wide.

Except for Catholics most people wouldn’t want to live in a papist country beholden to the dictates of Rome.”

Hey folks, want to avoid this predicment? As cliche as it sounds there is one way to do so. VOTE and not for the Grand Old Pushovers.

Yes Biden has issues but the alternative is flat our destructive for everyone. Staying at home is just as bad (see 2000 and 2016).

I really don’t care what your hot take is, do not forget

Make sure to ask for a photo of their ID first.

Most of this stuff is more “subversive” than actually subversive.

Um, gee Nik. I’m not sure it matters who asked the question. What DOES matter is that you either wouldn’t—or couldn’t—provide even a semi-coherent response.

If a democrat asking easy-ass questions at a public debate is troublesome, I have some bad news for her if she makes it to the general election.

Exactly. So your defense against a “Democrat plant” is to purposely avoid addressing slavery’s very, very large role in the Civil War? That’ll show ‘em, Nikki!

Even if that were true, it wouldn’t make her cowardice any less obvious.

I had assumed that the pastoral/evil tech kingdom thing was there basically because “let’s do a gritty version of Firefly! Everyone loves Firefly!”.   

Can fair use and AI coexist? If not, say goodbye to non-AI generated fan fiction.

Critic and fan reviews are awful, but none of that matters, it got views, and that’s all Netflix cares about. 

If someone were to ask me to be a recurring character on a Star Trek show, or any other show for that matter, as Quark, I would say yes.

Review all the new curses unleashed on the world for 2024. 

Rebel moon is just bad. Not so bad it’s good, just bad.

As others have said its a rip off of other movies, but not just from a story perspective. Snyder is is just a hack.

We’ve got a scene from the Matrix, cowboys vs aliens, Lynch’s Dune, Snyder’s own Suckerpunch, and so much more. And it’s all just bad. The story is