
but then the problem becomes that these companies end up hiring some people from a random third world country and pay them like a $1 per hour to do nothing but view and filter out horrific content day in and out.

Who wrote the check to Guinness for them to be interested in this?

“I know his name...”

This must be the “eating ass” that all the kids are talking about.

Exactly - the concept of “purity tests” are what turned the GOP into the dystopian party of Marjorie Taylor-Greene and Lauren Boebert. We don’t need two parties adopting this strategy.

Better than a MAGA opponent. Seriously the purity tests running up to the 2024 election have to go. We have the choice between a messy Democracy and Nazi Germany. The choice is not hard. Fetterman is not Sinema, he votes with his party 100% of the time and the only other choice is the end of the country as we know it.

It seems like it would be difficult to win a Senate seat and hold all the positions necessary to remain in the good graces of the extremely online left, given that Senate races are statewide elections.

Mark my words, that star will be the end of this planet yet...

So if we got Breakthrough: Starshot’s solar-sail concept working, then the need for a gravity assist to places such as Uranus and Neptune wouldn’t be nearly as important, would it?

Fewer dildoes.

Gibberish is fine. I'll worry when it starts communicating through a bald woman in a short robe.

I honestly feel that everyone should listen to Robert Evans (Behind the Bastards podcast), 8-part mini-series podcast It Could Happen Here. He recorded it during the pandemic. He novel After the War is also a great read. Both deal with the US during and after a modern civil war.

I read this article twice and you know what?  I still have no idea where the tomato was beyond “on the ISS.”

Thing about life there or any ocean planet is it could be as bright as octopi, or brighter, have a verbal culture, maybe a written one, music, stone architecture, tools etc, but tech that requires fire or chemistry would be nigh unachievable for them.

Anglicized Linnean species names are regularly used for some species. Boa constrictor (for Boa constrictor) is the most obvious example, but there’s cardinals (Cardinalis), skinks of various sorts (Scincus, a North African genus, but the colloquial name is applied to the whole family), arbutus (Arbutus), heliconians (H

Being so close to the arctic circle I wouldn’t be surprised if the ground was frozen during the winter. Building a fire over an area you want to dig in might be the only way to bury someone without having to store their corpse until summer, hence why some of the pits contained ash and charcoal and not others. My

“The Plight Before Christmas”must be the best ever BB episode.

While Bob’s Burgers has some great Christmas episodes. It’s the Thanksgiving episodes where the holiday cheer really shines.

The protections against AI that they got probably were about the best they could have reasonably hoped to achieve without digging in their heels for at least another month, and possibly longer than that. The studios ended up blinking, but there was a short time when it seemed like they would be willing to set fire to

The laser light will take just as long as the radio waves to reach the satellite, since they’re both electromagnetic radiation. The article seems to imply the laser signal will take longer.