

The number of flips is based on the number of unique factors the corresponding door has. I started typing out my logic and realizing my mistakes a couple times and deleting what I wrote and I think what I’ve arrived at is that square numbers are the only doors that will stay open.

A door will be open at the end if it has an odd number of divisors. Moreover, if x divides y, then y/x also divides y; that is, divisors come in distinct pairs unless x = y/x, equivalently y = x^2. Thus, a door will be open at the end if and only if it is a perfect square. Ten numbers (1,4,9,...,100) between 1 and 100

tbf, ads have a way of completely ruining the usability of once good websites.

I’m reminded of the fact that Republicans don’t tend to view these sorts of things as problems unless they’re actively impacting them personally, and then it’s someone else’s fault for not having solved it for them

Well, she looks great!

no no no no. This show is way too dense to be accurately done in live action with 10-ep seasons. Animated continuation or reboot is the best way to go. 

Christ, i can use more of these “feel good” stories now.....

But Jesus, what about the sections where there are only one set of footprints?
“Don’t ask me, I wasn’t even born yet...”


If you want to find stolen artifacts, look in any room of the British Museum.

Forcing people to travel north via undergound means has historically always been Good Guy behavior.

3 articles about one device and it isn’t even made by Apple, at least I can ignore the mandatory slideshow article

Heidelbergensis does what Nintendon’t.

Christ, I just watched an interview with this guy. They played a clip from an earlier rally where he was saying “he doesn’t believe white supremacists exist.” Calling them a “unicorn.” And then when confronted about the recent Florida shooting, which was 100% committed b/c of racism, he got all huffy and kept talking

I’m sorry, but none of them look even a little bit like Marlon Brando.

And that’s the problem with these “terrifying” deep sea creatures. They’re mostly about the size of your hand. We want Megalodon, instead we get Finding Nemo.

There’s a couple of things that are bothering me about this. Well, there’s more but, these two quotes in particular.

this was the tops for me. I’m a huge fan of this man, and think he’s a hell of an actor, and I’ve loved him for so many roles... from the funny as hell stuff in Men at Work, to his recent work in Greenleaf...but for me, his role in Platoon as (if i recall correctly) King... god i loved that character...

Complains about using “buzzwords” right, completely fails to even open a dictionary to see that groom means something besides conditioning a child for sex.