
I’d love to give you 50 stars for that top-notch pun, but just one seems to be more appropriate.

I stopped thinking of this show as a Foundation adaptation very, very early into its run. The final nail was when Salvor Hardin, a person whose catch phrase was literally “Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.”, turned to camera and said somethin along the lines of “I am going to get the guns so I can see

no.. you’re soulless take on it is the weird one.

cough cough

We are living in a very cruel period of American history.

Between this and his outburst with Vice Admiral Pasalk last week, Spock’s suddenly a loose cannon!

Timey-wimey plot aside, I just loved that moment of Spock radiating agitation that someone dared to file a noise complaint against him.

Even if “Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tommorrow” stumbles at the climax

This episode made me think less of the TOS City episode and more of the Season 3 episode of The Orville where Gordon tries to cling to his life in the past that he’s not supposed to have. Either way, Christina Chong was tremendous in this, Wesley’s Kirk is very good in all his appearances so far, and I think this is a

La’an’s my favorite character, so I’m pre-dispositioned to really want to like this one. And I really appreciate the willingness to focus in so hard on her for a whole episode.

It’s got a few elements in common with City on the Edge but hey, it’s got a few elements in common with The Terminator as well. Or Doctor Who. I appreciate the review and agree Chong really raised her game, but that comparison just doesn’t work for me.

Sure, if profit were the goal, but if the goal is resource extraction out of the Earth’s gravity well in order to better enable further space travel, that would matter less.

Hate to be an asshole, but yea, you definitely aren’t a physics expert. 

Now playing

Traditional pizza has tomato and mozzarella on it”

Immediately brought this to my mind:

This shit really annoys me.

The amount of snark and sarcasm in the comments is pretty gross. I guess it’s because it involved rich people? (which everyone presumably would love to be e.g. winning the lottery, etc.)

loss of any life is the tragedy

I have to admit I’ve been on the “they knew what they were getting into” side of the equation (except the 19-year-old - his dad absolutely let him down), but this is pretty gross. 

The article could use some more details.