
We need to get back to worshipping the sun. This “Jesus” thing isn’t and hasn’t been working out for some time now. 

Yea, I’m also suspect of this. Seems like we are missing something. I am a recovering alcoholic, and, even for me, this uptick in drinking is in question.

I thought my job did that anyway.

Yeah, this report reeks of BS.

Old-World sparrowhawks eat a lot of birds, but these are mostly songbirds. And kestrels feed mainly on small rodents, not birds. Neither of these sounds like a species whose calls would particularly disturb much bigger game birds. The authors of this paper seemed to think that the flutes more likely served some other

This doesn’t change the fact the court and its reputation is damaged until further notice. The GQP ramming thru confirmations during the Trump era, esp w/ ACB, Kav and Gorsuch, has eroded most of the public’s trust in the court to be objective and impartial. Compound that w/ the recent and damning allegations

already gone viral.”

The Sima de los Huesos site in Spain has been proposed as a deliberate mortuary site - it’s about 430,000 years old, older than the Rising Star site. But the species that used it (Homo antecessor, I think) has a bigger brain than H. naledi.

The problem with the whole, Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party is that a disturbing number of people are quite content to let the leopards eat their face as long as they eat everyone else’s face first.

The other answer is that it’s indeterminate. You could be anywhere on a isolatitudinal circle 1+(1/π) miles north of the South Pole, so that when you walk a mile south, walking a mile west takes you completely around the south pole to the point where you started walking west, so walking a mile north takes you back to

Eating fish, especially oily fish, is a good idea at those latitudes - a source of vitamin D.

C’mon Giz, show us the picture.

Here’s a Forbes link with the full Mona Lisa image. There’s a twitter link to the guy who made it and a bunch of others.

For a second I saw...:

I’d say it’s going hard to put any institution on notice of the fact that they stand to get fined for failure to act in accordance with Federal regulations, even though compliance with those regulations could constitute some form of murder under state law. Basically telling them there’s no way to follow all the laws.

Unfortunately, Texas is functioning as intended.

I’m not sure what’s happening with the comments, but at times, the ability to do anything doesn’t seem to load, or is being blocked by ads.

Shaka, when the walls fell

Well, the easy answer was that he was never really dying, and just trying to help Picard work through things. The other easy answer: Q’s always been a liar. Why stop now?

Kudos for The Boondocks reference