
I wish it mattered. The GOP regularly shows contempt for what their voters actually care about, but as long as they draw the electoral maps and say that the “Radical Left” hates America, they keep getting swept into office and passing absurdly unpopular legislation.

I don’t have the energy for nuanced conversations on this topic anymore, so I’ll just say: AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! FUCK THIS!!!

I home the whole Borg nanites angle is a fake out, and it turns out all of Jack’s weird powers are actually the result of Beverley banging that freaky Victorian sex ghost.

The fact that they’ve had the same pediatrician for 10 years was the bit that sounded odd to me, too.  That presumably means they already have other children and this doctor saw no reason to call CPS about them, so that seems to imply that something was different in this case...

The story mentions that some (CPS?) file lists the neighbors as the baby’s parents, who DO have a child abuse record.... so basically CPS thought they were taking the baby away from different people (?). And now the Jackson’s can’t prove THEY are the baby’s parents because they haven’t received the birth certificate.

I’m a black pediatrician and something signficant is missing from this story. The reasons why black families choose midwives and home births are unfortunate and justified by how they are treated. And jaundice is a common condition that doesn’t require treatment...until it does. And then when it does, it needs to be

Episode 10 after credits scene:

Behave yourself.

“The issue with the conspiracy bugs is they kill their host.”

“The reality is that this guy (who is independently wealthy) did no actual work..”

The only possible image that could have been used for this story would have been a screen shot...

The way I look at it: a phaser would’ve been attracted attention on sensors, Sneed was too high profile to capture and interrogate, and also too dangerous to be left alive since he’d alert the conspirators immediately.

It’s bittersweet. For a show that had so much trouble finding its footing, it still managed to be a fun (if also frustrating) ride.

I thought the same thing a little bit, but then I remembered future Picard from “All Good Things” and it clicked. This version is more in possession of his faculties, sure, but they both struggled to find their place in a time when their friends and Starfleet itself have other priorities. They both also took a

How do we implode the Kelvin Universe in a warp bubble like that episode with Dr Crusher?

Lot of good planetary science happening in the early 2030s. It’s a bummer the Venus missions got delayed, but they’ll be good.

Wonder what the over/under is for human boots on Mars before these samples get back?

I for one certainly am excited for the Europa and Jupiter Icy Moons missions, along with Dragonfly. Those worlds are just such departures from our own that it excites me to see what we can find out about them further.

This is, shamefully, a top story on every news website this morning.

Right, that’s correct — sane people believe it was a natural virus.