
But will he back in POG form?

But not in Pog form?

Discovery could stand to be a little less self-referential. It’s like the writers want us to congratulate them for being so clever as to mine Trek history.

People that fell for NFTs also fell for a phishing attack? Shocking.

I always wondered what Mark would look like with better hair. Now I know. (PS. Not saying she looks like a Man, but I do see the family resemblance). 

Amenhotep III and Shuttarna II at Malkata. Amenhotep III of Egypt. Egypt where the Nile ends. Shuttarna II of Mitanni. Mitanni split by Euphrates. King of Mitanni, his arms wide open. Amenhotep III and Shuttarna on the ocean. Tomoko Arai, his eyes uncovered.

Makes sense that it should come from Anatolia - the European Iron Age is thought to have begun there. Even if this is meteoric iron, techniques for dealing with it might already have been in place.

I would love to see Tarantino make an Inglorious Basterds type movie set on Cardassian occupied Bajor.

I appreciate the detailed explanation.  Your reference to the Saharan desert dust did the trick.  Makes perfect sense.  

Last paragraph first sentence.

I was going with “Rock me, Dr Zaius” but you beat me to the punch.

The human ability to ignore what is coming is quite a feat. The reasons this is being “ignored” are complex and varied, but it comes down to the fact that the 1% aren’t going to give up one damned cent to ensure a viable future. On top of that, we’ve entrenched an insanely massive and inflexible economic system (as


The multicolored theme is repeated throughout the trailer. In the first scene with the filming the green screen and their clothes are all different colors. The bright colors definitely mean something.

My guess is they are some sort of early warning sign or something. The equivalent of an airport windsock.

He does keep us guessing each time he releases a new trailer.

The tubemen are what’s keeping the imminent danger at bay. When the heavy cloud cover rolls in, it blocks the sun and cuts off the solar powered electrical grid which provides energy to the blowers keeping them erect and waving. It’s a cautionary tale about the dangers and evils of renewable energy.

Obviously, you need a star for that joke.  ;-)

It is rather circumstellar news, isn’t it.

The Truth Is Oort There!