
I’ll never understand the selective outrage over this vaccine. If understand why the myriad of mandatory childhood and/or military vaccines are important then there is no reason to be against this one.

Somewhere in the multiverse, it’s The Maura Tierney Experience that causes mayhem in American society.

I really think it’s better to combat misinformation with better information.  Just blocking misinformation only fuels conspiracy theories and is counter-productive. 

Why would I care about the things said by a guy who dropped his glasses in the toilet (also war criminal)?

Why the flying fuck is this a slideshow?

And I hear Prodigy is great, but I’m realistically not going to watch a Nickelodeon cartoon meant for kids.

It wasn’t even a parody in season 2. It just morphed into a classic Star Trek show, made by people who grew up watching TNG and DS9 but thought that Star Trek needed dick and fart jokes.

It’s a Faux-News-inspired drive to bring about Jim Crow 2.0. If any discussion of racially-based inequality under law is prohibited, then it’s much easier to bring more of that inequality into being for the state and local legislatures.

OLD was stupid. So was Fantasy Island. 

‘Subscribe to our newsletter’ — I see he’s also taken up podcasting.

Considering I keep waking up on the floor, I’d guess he’s been telling me to “roll out.”

As long as it features exactly zero Wesley Crusher callbacks or cameos I’m in.

Banning CRT is 100% intentional to keep white people ignorant of black history and prevent having them acknowledge their humanity and cultures. They know a divided population benefits the true criminals in government and business.

In this case, I think it is because Anson Mount and Ethan Peck as Pike and Spock, respectively, were really fantastic on Discovery. People wanted more, and they’re getting more.

My opinion about The View

The Whoopi controversy is taking up the space that should be given to the new Amnesty International report calling Israel an apartheid state - something almost all US media has buried.

In other news....

As long as it features exactly zero Wesley Crusher callbacks or cameos I’m in.